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Solyl Kundu

Solyl Kundu

Born in 1947, Solyl Kundu is a professional Indian magician who has written for a number of magic magazines including Magigram, New Pentagram, Abracadabra, Club 71, Sorceror, Magic Info, Magicana, Jadu, Maya Mancha, and Mayajaal. He had several TV appearances on local and national networks, including a serial on Safety Magic for children.

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Solyl Kundu
Magic of Merriment by Solyl Kundu

In this ebook Solyl gives you an assortment of practical entertainment, from clever close-up with a plug for a prospective booking, to colourful, entertaining, and very impressive conjuring and stage magic. All simple to perform, and enjoyable to watch.

Excerpt from the introduction:

I do not claim that this book is full of novel notions which are mind boggling and which will set the magic world ablaze. But I must say, keeping modesty aside for a moment, that the contents are all 'practical goodies'. Not always very original, but their dressing has fetched me laughs, applause, rewards,...

★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 5, Issue 4 (Feb - Apr 2016) by Solyl Kundu
  • Editorial: Solyl Says are normally simply chats, however sometimes more
  • Columns
    • Ian Adair Column – a chit-chat and magic column by Ian Adair
    • Magic as Entertainment by Harold Taylor
    • Favorite Linking Ring Columns—Shenanigan by Aldo Colombini
  • Articles: Lets Face It by Ken de Courcy
  • MagiXposed
    • Oil Change by Guy M Townsend
    • Another Linking Ring Move by Aldo Columbini
    • G.D - Simplicity Riffle Force by Gora Datta
    • The Rainbow by Solyl Kundu
    • More On and Off by Fabian
    • The Spirit Paddle by John Teo
  • Miscellaneous
    • Cartoon by George Johnstone
    • Am I Nostalgic? ! Now watch out for the pages 33, 34 and 35.
    • Quips
    • Puzzle Time by Werner Miller
    • Photo...
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 5, Issue 3 (Dec 2015 - Feb 2016) by Solyl Kundu

The Gimmick MagiZette - Pioneer and Premier Magic related e-zine from India. Well, it's a pleasure to present the third topic of volume five jam-packed of informative and muttering to reading - literally. Believe us, this issue has loads of goodies in all spheres of magic, music and more to cater the neophytes and experts - excellent effects and interesting articles contributed by eminent artists of the Art of Magic from US, UK and of course from India who understand their artistic creation. Particularly look through the MagiXposed section where you will find the excellent effects which you...

★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 5, Issue 2 (Oct - Dec 2015) by Solyl Kundu

Pioneer and Premier Magic related e-zine. Well, it's a pleasure to present the second topic of volume five of TGM that is full of informative and muttering to reading - literally. Trust us, this issue has loads of goodies to cater the connoisseurs of conjuring - excellent effects and interesting articles contributed by eminent artistes of the Art of Magic from US, UK and of course from India who understand their art. Particularly look through the MagiXposed section where you will get the excellent effects which you can easily create and apply. Nevertheless, on that point is a bunch more, go...

★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 5, Issue 1 (Aug - Oct 2015) by Solyl Kundu

Hello, the Connoisseur of Conjuring worldwide!

Back again, with the first issue of new volume of The Gimmick MagiZette - India's pioneer and premier e-zine - A bagful of smorgasbords magic and related matters. Surely some of you would comment that I am late by (a long sound slumber of) four months - true, read the index of the current issue of TGM and you would agree that late, but this issue is just GREAT! As if the other issues were not the similar.

BTW, do not be late to ask for your copy of the TGM Volume #5, Issue #1. Now go to the index an see that there is 'something'...

★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 4, Issue 6 (Jun - Aug 2015) by Solyl Kundu

Hi! Back again with another great issue of TGM - India's Pioneer and Premier Magic related e-zine. Well, the sixth - last issue of the volume Four with lots of goodies to cater the connoisseurs of conjuring - excellent effects from the minds and authentic articles from the pen of the artistes who understands their art. Just read the contents:

  • Editorial: 'Solyl Says' are simply chats. However, here he talks of Confidence (?!)
  • Articles:
    • Past Glory of India - Mrinaal Roy - the Yogi Jadugar by An Admirer....
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 4, Issue 5 (Apr - Jun 2015) by Solyl Kundu

Hello, my magician friends around the world...The new issue of TGM - volume #4, issue #5 is ready for you to relish! Read the contents noted below and you are sure to run for it. This issue is a staggering collection of articles, magic effects (I hate the word 'trick' - magicians do 'magic' whereas 'tricks' are done by the 'tricksters'), jokes, cartoons, news and views and much more.

  • Editorial:
    • Solyl Says simple tittle-tattles of Solyl. However, here he talks on card capers.
  • Articles:
    • Past Glory of India - Prof. K. Bhagyanath - recounted by Solyl Kundu
    • Magic as Entertainment by...
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 4, Issue 4 (Feb - Apr 2015) by Solyl Kundu

Hello, my magician friends around the globe...The new TGM is ready! Welcome back to the pages of TGM - volume Four, yes four, no less, issue number 4. Read the contents of the very first issue of the new volume below and you are sure to run for it. This issue is a staggering collection of articles, magic effects (I detest the word 'trick' - magicians do 'magic' whereas 'tricks' are done by the 'tricksters'), jokes, cartoons, news and views and more.


  • Solyl Says is simple tittle-tattles of Solyl. But, here Ken de Courcy talks about table-hopping magic.
  • Past Glory of India - Kardani, the magical...
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 4, Issue 3 (Dec 2014 - Feb 2015) by Solyl Kundu

Hello, magician friends around the world...The new issue of TGM is ready! Welcome back to the pages of TGM - volume Four, issue Three. Read the contents of this 'labor of the love' below and you are sure to run for it. This issue is a staggering collection of articles, magic effects (I hate the word 'trick' - magicians do 'magic' whereas 'tricks' are done by the 'tricksters'), photo quiz, jokes, cartoons, news and views and more.


  • Solyl Says is simply tittle-tattles. However, here Ken de Courcy talks on Close-up magic
  • Past Glory of India - Roy the Mystic recounted by Saileshwar Mukherjee. ...
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 4, Issue 2 (Oct - Dec 2014) by Solyl Kundu
  • Editorial: Solyl Says
  • Special Features:
    • Our salute to Phil Willmarth
    • Remembrances/Admirations by Tom Craven, Tom Odgen, Sindie Richison, Jep Hostetler, Ian Adair, Mona Morrison, Aaron Smith, and Don Wiberg.
    • Photographs from the Album of Mona Morrison...
    • Some Nostalgic Moments: Phil Willmarth's visit to Calcutta Ring #83
    • Past Int'l President Phil Willmarth along with Robbie Willmarth visits Agra and Delhi in 2007
    • Some Bouquets from I.B.M. and The Linking Ring
  • Regular Features:
    • Articles:
    • - Past Glory of India - Master Patol- recounted by Gora Datta
    • - Magic as Entertainment by Harold Taylor
    • Columns:
    • - MagicIan Adair Column - a chit-chat...
★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 4, Issue 1 (Aug - Oct 2014) by Solyl Kundu

Hello, my magician friends around the world...The new TGM is ready! Welcome back to the pages of TGM - volume Four, yes four, no less, issue number one. Read the contents of the very first issue of the new volume below and you are sure to run for it. This issue is a staggering collection of articles, magic effects (I hate the word 'trick' - magicians do 'magic' whereas 'tricks' are done by the 'tricksters'), jokes, cartoons, news and views and more.


  • Solyl Says - simple tittle-tattles of Solyl. ...
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 3, Issue 6 (Jun - Aug 2014) by Solyl Kundu
  • EDITORIAL - Let's have a chat

    SPECIAL FEATURES - TGM's tribute to Aldo Colombini

  • Homage to Aldo Colombini from All at TGM, All admirers of Aldo in India and from Solyl Kundu
  • Aldo Colombini - Bio by Rachel
  • Remembrances/Admirations by Al Albert, Tom Craven, David J. Connor, Geoff Williams, Ian Adair, Donald Clancy and John Alexander


  • Past Glory of India - B.N. Sarkar
  • Magic As Entertainment by Harold Taylor
  • Indian Occultism: The Rope -Trick And Other Phenomena by Major G.H. Rooke


  • Confirmed Prediction by John Teo
  • Indiana Monte by Guy Townsend
  • Come Along...
★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 3, Issue 5 (Apr - Jun 2014) by Solyl Kundu

The current issue of TGM is full of informative and interesting reading collected from eastern and western magic world. Especially look through the MagiXposed section where you will find the top-drawer effects which you can easily make and use. However, there is a lot more, go on reading ...

  • Let's have a chat - Solyl talks frankly whatever he has in mind - this time about Intimate magic.
  • Magic as entertainment - by Harold Taylor is another installment from his book of the same title.
  • Alladen's Wonderfull Lamp - by Asok Roy will especially intrigue the performers who prefers patter magic. ...
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 3, Issue 4 (Feb - Apr 2014) by Solyl Kundu

It's a pleasance to introduce the fourth issue of volume three of TGM that is full of informative and mattering to reading - literally. Particularly look through the MagiXposed section where you will find the excellent effects which you can easily make and use. However, there are a lot more, go on reading ...

  • Let's have a chat: Solyl talks frankly whatever he has in mind.
  • Magic as entertainment: by Harold Taylor is an installment from his book of the same title.
  • Past Glory of India: featuring Uma Das Gupta - jounalist/magicianne of bygone days.
  • Indian Occultism - the Rope Trick and other...
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 3, Issue 3 (Dec 2013 - Feb 2014) by Solyl Kundu

This Special issue of TGM is Christmas & New Year's combined issue and full of 'something for everyone'. Just get a copy and judge for yourself...

  • Let's have a chat - the editor chats
  • On Mentalism by Val Andrews
  • Past Glory of India - The Great P.C. Sorcar
  • Magic As Entertainment by Harold Taylor
  • Aldo and Rachel Colombini are Back Again...
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 3, Issue 2 (Oct - Dec 2013) by Solyl Kundu

This is the 2nd issue of volume 3 which is full of nitty-gritty's to please one and all. Just get it and read - I'm sure you'll like it in addition thank us for offering you this little e-zine. Please look at the contents:

  • Edtorial...Let's have a chat - our personal talks.
  • Feature...Does your wife like magic? by Johnny Cooper - an interesting musing.
  • Past Glory of India - K.L. Mondal - a short biography
  • MagiXposed...this section contain one for you if not all...
  • The Witness Lie Detector by John Teo
  • The Acrobat (New One Hand Knot) by Phil Willmarth
  • Rings Off ... Rings On by Fabian
  • The Floating Cigarette...
★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 3, Issue 1 (Aug - Oct 2013) by Solyl Kundu

It is a pleasure to introduce the first issue of volume three (yes, 3 - no less) of TGM that is full of instructive, informative and interesting reading - literally. Especially look through the MagiXposed section where you will find an effect until today magicians' have paid high amount to have it. However, there are a lot more, go on reading …

  • Let's have a chat – Well, the editor opens his heart for a friendly chat.
  • Good Bye Hazards: Magic - No Problems by D. Subhash is an article...
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 2, Issue 6 (Jun - Aug 2013) by Solyl Kundu

This final issue of volume two of TGM is full of "meats" - please read the following and judge for yourself. It must have set a record by including articles from the pen of three past IBM Int'l Presidents - Don Wiberg, Jep Hostetler and Ray Mangle - simply a prestigious issue!

The contents are …

  • Let's have a chat - here in this space TGM openly discuss its success, failures, good or bad and everything - even a scoop is here in this issue.
  • Past Glory of India - SN Dey - the generous magician is the profile LK Roy sketched in this issue. ...
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
Memorable Magical Moments by Solyl Kundu

Solyl Kundu invited the then IBM International President Phil Willmarth to visit Kolkata in 2007 for a magic Get-Together, and he encouraged local IBM members to join. It was a big success. For this occasion a souvenir booklet was published. This is a PDF version of this souvenir booklet. It includes:

  • A Greeting from the President
  • Phil Willmarth laudatio
  • Chronicle of IBM Ring #83
  • Cornered by Aldo Colombini
  • Bang Gun - Balloon Antics by David J. O'Connor
  • Anti-Gravity Bottle by Gora Dutta
  • Centrifugal ESP by Max Maven
  • Elementary, My Dear Watson by Peter Marucci
  • Balls Across - Persistence of Vision by Paul Hyland ...
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 2, Issue 5 (Apr - Jun 2013) by Solyl Kundu

This fifth issue of volume 2 of The Gimmick MagiZette is one more miscellanea of magical omnium-gatherum contributed by eminent artistes of the art of magic...

  • Let's have a chat – Here the editor opens his heart and talks whatever he has to say … not even realizing that he possibly evokes boredom!
  • Past Glory of India - L. K.Roy features in this issue a neglected and vanquished Magician K. D. Mukhuty.
  • Magic as Entertainment – an article by late Harold Taylor of U.K. is a section from his book Magic as Entertainment based on his experiences.
  • Chetoric – is about Doug Henning by...
★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 2, Issue 4 (Feb - Apr 2013) by Solyl Kundu

We all at TGM used to prompt a slogan to each other that "Never Late - Always Great!" Although, this fourth issue of TGM has beaten his own record and is a bit late - nevertheless, is as 'Great' as all other previous issues, in addition full of 'meats'. Just read about the contents and judge yourself.

  • Let's have a chat – where Solyl thinks over reasons of TGM current issue being late!
  • Past glory of India covers the life and magical journey of Dr. Kali Kankar Bannerjee - fascinating!
  • Books Reviewed - this column by Joel A Moskowitz narrates The Show Doctor" by Jeff McBride, and "How...
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 2, Issue 3 (Dec 2012 - Jan 2013) by Solyl Kundu

This 3rd issue of volume 2 of The Gimmick MagiZette e-zine published from the Land of Magic - India is yet another magical mélange boasting contributions from the eminent artistes of the art. Just see the contents below:

  • The Universal Zero card Stab - by Loch David Crane is from his book Captain Kirk and Star Tricks may inspire you to buy the book.
  • An Act for Every Season - is an article that gives ideas to use same effects for different occasion--clever indeed!
  • Puppetry - here Ernie Jones teaches how a nice puppet is made out of a bottle for use. One will be tempted to try it. ...
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 2, Issue 2 (Oct - Nov 2012) by Solyl Kundu

The second issue of Volume 2 of The Gimmick MagiZette is ready for your viewing and more. This issue of magical ragbag is full of contributions from eminent artistes of the Art of Magic both from eastern and western magic world...

  • The first page is our Tribute to India's Master magician K. Lal.
  • "Let's have A Chat" is Solyl's ramblings (?!) for those who have time to waste.
  • In this issue Loch David Crane has explained his version of "Twin Ropes through Neck Escape" complete with patter and more.
  • "The Indian Rope Trick" of ancient India is an interesting article by Dr. P.K. Chatterjee. ...
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 2, Issue 1 (Aug - Sep 2012) by Solyl Kundu

This 1st issue of volume 2 of The Gimmick MagiZette is yet another magical omnium-gatherum contributed by eminent artists of the art of magic...

  • "Let's have a chat" is a place where Solyl acts as a chatterbox.
  • In "Captain Kirk and Star Tricks" by Loch David Crane, David shows The Self tying Necktie Based on a rope move from Rice's Encyclopedia of Silk Magic.
  • The Magician and His Onlookers by Gora Datta of Kolkata, India is his musings.
  • Past Glory of India - Mino the Mystic is a picturesque write-up Mino Nowroji Cooper - a magician with a deviation.
  • CHETORIC is a review column by a...
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 1, Issue 6 (Jun - Jul 2012) by Solyl Kundu

This sixth and last issue of Volume 1 of The Gimmick MagiZette is yet another smorgasbord of magical omnium-gatherum contributed by eminent artistes of the Art of Magic from US, UK and from India...

  • A few words from Solyl are musings from the editor that one should read.
  • Past Glory of India - covers picturesque life of The Great Devkumar in this issue.
  • Crossword Puzzle – an alphanumeric magic puzzle is this time that will make you crazy. In addition, solution to last issue's puzzle.
  • MagiXposed – this section explains five effects covering all sorts from close-up to conjuring… ...
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 1, Issue 5 (Apr - May 2012) by Solyl Kundu

This 5th issue of volume 1 of The Gimmick MagiZette is another magical salmagundi contributed by reputed magic personalities from east and west …

  • Sorcar Senior aka TW'SGM has just trod on to his 100th Birthday – our homage and a nice photograph.
  • "Captain Kirk and Star Tricks" by Loch David Crane, M. Ed. Loch gives his explanation on Torn and Restored Strings from his book.
  • "Robert Olson on Ventriloquy" – Rev. Robert E Olson recites his Chipper (vent doll) and expresses the cardinal rules of ventriloquism in a nutshell.
  • "Past Glory of India – Prof. Vazhakunnam," fondly referred...
★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 1, Issue 4 (Feb - Mar 2012) by Solyl Kundu

This 4th issue of volume 1 of The Gimmick MagiZette is another miscellanea of magical gallimaufry contributed by eminent artists of the art of magic...

  • Captain Kirk and Star Tricks by Loch David Crane, M. Ed. show some excerpts of his book
  • Down the lane to MENTALISM by Gora Datta of Kolkata, India is exactly the same as the name suggests.
  • Past Glory of India - DP Das is a picturesque write-up on DP Das (known to some as the "Indian King of Koins")
  • Crossword Puzzle - Another clever magic-themed Crossword Puzzle by Balasubramian Chandran aka Balu The Magician
  • Making Your Own Indetectable...
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 1, Issue 3 (Dec 2011 - Jan 2012) by Solyl Kundu

The 3rd issue of TGM is chock-full of instructive as well as informative articles and photographs. This colorful little e-zine fetches 'something for all' from Spain, England, America and of course India.

  • Loch David Crane M. ED starts sharing from his book Captain Kirk and Star Tricks part by part fron this issue.
  • Presentation and Showmanship - Maintaining an Objective View by Tony Brook is something one should not miss to go through.
  • Tip - Tops by Ian Adair covers a significant aspect.
  • Past Glory of India - a picturesque write-up on Asok Roy who has helped many a magic neophytes as...
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 1, Issue 2 (Oct - Nov 2011) by Solyl Kundu

This second issue is a miscellany of magical mélange contributed by who well understand their art...

  • Mentalism vs Magic vs Mental Magic – is a well-thought comparative discourse between magic of the mind and magic of the hands by Grandpa Chet Cox.
  • Past Glory of India - a short picturesque write-up with pictures of Kuda Bux (known to some as the “The Man with the X-Ray Eyes” - a magician from India)
  • Etiquette for Magicians – the title itself is self-evident. This is most pragmatic advice to the performing magicians by Sam Dalal, the maven magician of India.
  • Another clever magic-themed Crossword...
★★★★★ $18
Solyl Kundu
My Kind Of Magic by Solyl Kundu

Here is a lively mix of 25 effects using cards, silks, cigarettes, matches and more, directly from Solyl's professional repertoire.

1st edition 2007; 48 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Tools of the Trade
  3. Floating Matchbox
  4. Balance
  5. 21st Century Torn and Restored Card
  6. It's Me
  7. Colors In Flight
  8. It's Me! (No. 2)
  9. The Rainbow
  10. Confetti Caper
  11. Beauty and the ...?
  12. The World's Best Magic
  13. Indian Cups and Balls, Nu Style
  14. Good Bye
  15. Elmsley Count
  16. The Animated Cigarette
  17. A Magic Give-Away
  18. Calling Cards Capers
  19. ESPecially Yours
  20. Coincidence!
  21. Fishy Cat
  22. Floating Cigarette Caper ...
★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 1, Issue 1 (Aug - Sep 2011) by Solyl Kundu

The first issue is a potpourri of topics and contributors.

  • The Care of White Doves - caring for and using of doves by David J O’Conner from Down Under
  • Past Glory of India - a short write-up and pictures of Gogia Pasha (known to some as the "Gilly Gilly" magician from India)
  • A Short History of the I.B.M. by Past International President of I.B.M. Jack White
  • Your Best Test Audience - finding your best and toughest "practice" audience by Grandpa Chet
  • a clever magic-themed Crossword Puzzle by Balasubramian Chandran aka Balu The Magician
  • Control Coins – an excellent coin prediction by...
Displaying 1 to 31 (of 31 products)