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Magic To Thrill
by Paul A. Lelekis


(4 reviews, 6 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Magic To Thrill by Paul A. Lelekis

Do you want to thrill and impress your spectators? Paul Lelekis provides eight outstanding effects that are easy to do and will make your spectators the center of attention.

Paul's introduction will teach you a very little-known secret of performance and the finer points of making your magic thrilling to your spectators, bringing them into your "magical universe" - not just standing on the outside, looking in. This info is extremely important!

Paul also teaches the power of routining your effects together to produce a thrilling magical experience for your entire audience.

Magic To Thrill contains seven featured effects and one bonus effect (one of Paul's most prized creations!) that will elevate your performances into the realm of a true professional. Included are a tutorial and a video of how to perform the Strike Second Deal and the Stud Second Deal. In addition, Paul provides four more videos of Steve Draun's Midnight Shift, the Herrmann Pass, the Bilis Switch and The Hamman Count Switch.

Here's the run down:

A GREEK TRAGEDY - The late Tony Econ loved this effect and said "I have never seen so much magic produced from just four regular cards!" This is a story effect that can be adapted to any performer's life experiences. It is also an excellent study in magical presentation.

THE CLOCK TRICK - HOLD ON! This is not the Clock Trick you're thinking of. Michael Skinner used this effect to fool the finest card magicians in the world. And this effect is easy to do. Wait until you see the amazing secret.

FOUR ACES TRIUMPH - This is an easy to do, in-your-face Triumph effect that uses a little-known sleight. This is one of the easiest Triumph effects possible and every single card, visibly turns face-up...except for the four Aces - right in the middle of the deck. Included are two videos of The Midnight Shift and the Herrmann Pass.

MELD! - Here is an easy to perform double revelation, that uses two very cool, and easy to do sleights. Again the spectator "does all of the magic" and you get the credit. Paul also teaches you how to routine this excellent effect, together with one of his very favorite creations, JUMPING JACKS, again making the spectator responsible for the magic. This is what it's all about.

CONUS ACES - This classic of magic is rarely performed any more, and it's a shame, because this trick is so very interactive with your spectators. This effect will get your spectators involved and they'll have great fun.

The 21st CENTURY 21 CARD TRICK - This is Paul's new and improved version of a Marlo effect that's so fun to do, it should be illegal. Take your spectators on a magical journey that will thrill them. This trick also makes your spectator the winner. This is a brilliant piece of theater.

The STRIKE SECOND DEAL, A VIDEO, AND A COOL TRICK! - Paul provides complete instruction and a video of Paul performing Strike Second Deals and the Stud Second Deals. Utilize these easy to learn sleights, and then apply them to your own magic. Included is a very commercial stop trick that will include your spectators into your routine and again - make them responsible for the magic.

Bring your magic to the next level! It's all right here!

1st edition 2015, 30 pages.

Reviewed by Enrico Varella
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 02 September, 2015

MAGIC TO THRILL is a 31-page book filled with seven effects and one essay. All his card effects are all 'Workers' (to glean Michael Close’s descriptor for strong magic), so you can choose one effect for each day of the week.

Each of these effects justifies the use of a specific sleight or principle, which you’d be thrilled to learn or re-use. Every one is calculated to elicit the impact that Lelekis' functional patter offers. I particularly enjoyed ‘Greek Tragedy’ which reminds us to discover an effect that reflects on our roots and tradition – be it in magic or our culture. ‘The Clock Trick’ may just establish you as mentalist-extant. ‘Meld’ combines two spectator-directed effects while teaching an abject lesson in routining. Links to instructional videos are embedded in this book, so you can learn specific sleights like the ‘Strike Second Deal’ and a bonus trick in the last item. Lelekis teaches us what to be mindful of, including dealing sounds, rhythm of dealing, attitude and using built-in misdirection. I enjoyed, also, his 'The Four Aces Triumph', 'The Conus Aces' and '21st Century 21 Card Trick'.

You must read his 'Introduction' a few times, to appreciate his performing style and approach. Entertaining with your knowledge of magic is the secret to thrilling with your magic, as is involving the spectator and distancing yourself from the magic. If you want to find out more, do get this book. Strongly recommended.

Reviewed by Chris Ostrowski
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 28 August, 2015

Wow, I myself was an avid table hopper with magic for years. This MAGIC TO THRILL E BOOK is chalked full of great even outstanding material. To keep in any magicians arsenal of knowledge. You are learning routines as you are learning some of the most fundamental moves in magic. Now you have a incredible way to practice these moves, with a out come in mind in practical use. Don't assume every routine in the ebook is hard. Some with out moves and they WILL ROCK YOUR SPECTATORS. This is a must have user ebook to have in your own personal library. The author even provides multiple video link to help you understand fully what you are reading with what you should be seeing. MAGIC TO THRILL BY PAUL LELEKIS ---OUT OF 5 STARS, I GIVE THIS 6 STARS. he went above teaching a effect, he is teaching you how to be an ENTERTAINER. Most important if you want to make money in this professional art.

Reviewed by Rick Carruth
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 26 August, 2015

I was so pleased when I got my hands on Magic To Thrill. I was already familiar with The Clock Trick, and I knew if the other effects were similar, I'd be in for a long weekend. They were... and I was. I particularly liked Paul's handling on the Four Aces Triumph and CONUS, as I'm a big fan of Ace productions. They really work well on the public. I have already put both of these to work in my restaurant rotation. I actually believe I might achieve a second deal... thanks to the video Paul included with the ebook. I'm already moving at a 'fair to middling' speed, which is astounding considering the little time I've had to work on it. I highly recommend Magic to Thrill to anyone interested in card magic. The Clock Trick alone is worth the price of the ebook.

Reviewed by Roy Eidem
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 22 August, 2015

Paul is a real worker with decades of experience who knows what entertains real world people. For 10 bucks you get tested magic, practical to perform, descriptively written, & videos. Everything Paul offers is so full of the good stuff it's almost like stealing!