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Openers and Closers 2
by Paul A. Lelekis


(3 reviews, 6 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Openers and Closers 2 by Paul A. Lelekis

The Openers and the Closers of your magic shows are the most important aspect of magical entertainment...they dictate how your audiences will perceive you...then and later.

Many photographs and a video are included explaining every detail of Paul's excitingly magical routines!

Paul's "The not so invisible deck" routine is not what you think. It is his very special routine that he has used as his "closer" for over 20 years. The patter is hilarious...wait until you see the real secret behind this routine. All patter and many nuances of performance are included.

The introduction contains sage advice for everyone. Openers and Closers 1 was a runaway hit having stayed at #1 on the Hot List at, for a long time. Now...Paul Lelekis has come up with his latest smash hit e-book, Openers and Closers 2 with even more, "real-world" magic that will thrill your spectators. Paul has spent many years "in the trenches" performing.

Routines in this e-book:

1) VANISHING CARD BOX OPENER - Paul may be the first person to have come up with this incredible opening routine, having created it in the 1980s. A box of cards is brought out. The cards are removed from the box...and the box suddenly vanishes. The performer calmly removes the card box from his pocket...again. Everything is examinable and the cards can then be used for your next trick - you are clean. (Pictures explain every detail of this remarkable routine.)

2) DO YOU HAVE ESP? - A beautiful, multi-stage routine that is packed full of comedy and revelations that "hits you hard" and ends with a final shocker. Easy to do. This is what a truly professional opening routine looks like...and learn a technique that will elevate your performance.

3) ELIMINATION - This routine uses Paul's own little-known, sleight, that will fool all magicians! This beautiful multi-phase, impromptu transposition does not seem possible, yet everything is examinable. Fool all of the guys at your next magic meeting with this beauty.

4) Martin Gardner's 4 ACE TRICK - Paul presents two different versions of this almost "self-working" bombshell. Use one version as an Opener...or...use Paul's second version as an incomprehensible Closer. You're going to love this.

5) NO! NOT THAT CARD! - Another "side-splitting" routine that can be used as an Opener or a Closer. The Spectator keeps picking the wrong card. Spectator participation is what makes this routine so much fun, but also learn about the "fine" points of spectator management. Plus a bonus at the end.

6) 8-CARD BRAINWAVE - Learn the real method of performing this minor miracle. Included video explains the entire routine. Want an exciting opener with a beautiful subtlety taught to Paul by the late, great Dary. Nick Trost "wowed" the magic world with this routine, but now, with Daryl Easton's superb subtlety, you will even fool magicians.

7) THE NOT SO INVISIBLE DECK ROUTINE - Here's a routine Paul has 'played' for real audiences, hundreds and hundreds of times! This vastly improved routine takes away the three major concerns of the traditional "Invisible Deck" routine. Oh you didn't 'know' there were any concerns? Paul explains the history and every aspect of this routine, providing you with one of the GREATEST CLOSERS of all time!

1st edition 2017, 34 pages.

Reviewed by Rick Carruth
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 27 June, 2017

Openers and Closers 2 is the perfect follow-up to volume 1. Paul understands the importance of grabbing an audience by the neck at the beginning of your show.. and mesmerizing them with your best at the close of your show. There is nothing 'iffy' here, and that's a very, very good thing when you want to remain true to your readers. I am a big fan of Martin Gardner and am glad to see Paul include two of Martin's effects. Another favorite is a Brainwave based on the Nick Trost effect and featuring handling by Paul and a kicker by the late, but forever great, Daryl. There are three great effects featuring a vanishing card box, ESP, and a special sleight of hand technique created by Paul. A special comedy routine and Paul's top-notch handling of a 'not so Invisible Deck' routine complete Openers and Closers 2.. and make this one of my very favorite of Paul's many ebooks. Highly recommended..

Reviewed by Enrico Varella
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 26 June, 2017

I opened this book with a ‘closer’ – the last item in this book – ‘8-Card Brainwave’. The accompanying video clip got me excited with the simplicity of OLRAM, and the subtlety display attributed to the late-Daryl. I immediately put it into my routine.

Paul’s new book opens with an introductory essay that emphasizes his sensible approach to walk-around magic. Get closer to your audience by opening strong. Openers and closers are key effects that punctuate the entire experience for a performing magician. I worked through every effect in this book, and his Vanishing Cardcase is now in my repertoire. I intend to use Paul’s lead-in to ‘Martin Garner’s 4-Ace Opener/Closer’. I will also be using his ‘Not So Invisible Deck Routine’, which irons out a few major elements related to Joe Berg’s ingenious creation. Paul’s card control called LIFT is worth exploring within ‘Elimination’, as he raises the bar of card transpositions.

The main issue I have is: Do I close with an opener, or open with a closer? Enjoy this book.

Reviewed by Christopher Weber
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 26 June, 2017

Openers & Closers 2 by Paul Lelekis is another terrific collection of effects that really work and you will use for sure. As with all of Paul's publications the tips and advice in the Introduction are worth the price of the book alone. Don't overlook these valuable recommendations. Here Paul shares words of wisdom on First Impressions, Final Impressions, Audience Control, Relieving Tension (for both your audience and yourself), and Confidence Building. You will see how Paul's suggestions in the Introduction fit perfectly into the effects that follow. The effects all work great as openers and or closers. These effects are straight forward, and easy for your audience to follow. Paul has done the work for you by searching through dozens of books and hundreds of tricks to find the very best effects with maximum impact for you to make use of. The perfect way to "open the door" to the rest of your performance material. The Vanishing Card Box is just one example of a perfect opener. It's easy to make up and you'll find it's as good if not better than many similar commercially available gimmicks. Again, it's an effect that smoothly and naturally leads onto your next effect. Check out Paul's two clever renditions of the Martin Gardner 4 Ace Trick (great as an opener or closer), and the Nick Trost 8-Card Brainwave which utilizes Daryl's addition that takes the heat off the cards for final display. These are two ready to go, easy to do effects that are marvelous ice breakers. Paul's Invisible Deck will have you rethinking possibilities of the Invisible Deck for sure! Some really cool ideas here. You'll love all these effects and Paul’s little improvements and nuances make them all the better. Pick it up; you'll be very happy you did.