$7(1 customer rating) ★★★★★
The best way of learning new things is doing them. Magical Experiments or Science in Play is a fascinating collection of kitchen table top experiments with every day household goods. Many of which have a 'magical' twist to them, in the sense that it is for the unfamiliar observer not quite clear how these tricks are performed, or what the physical mechanisms behind them are. More than 150 experiments are described with gorgeous lithographs. This book was originally written in French and later translated to English. This in itself is a proof of quality, otherwise the translation would not have been undertaken.
1st edition, 1892, Worthington Co.; 2nd edition, 1894, David McKay, Philadelphia; 326 pages.
- To My Son Johnnie
- Preface
- The Plate on the Point of the Needle
- The Egg that will Stand up
- One Way of Halving a Pear
- How to Pierce a Pin with a Needle
- The Housekeeper's Terror
- How to Pierce a Nickel with a Needle
- The Diving Bell
- A Bottle, or an Acrobat?
- The Bottle in Peril
- The Barrel and the Bottle; or, The Automatic Cellarman
- Eruption of Vesuvius
- Water Changed into Wine
- The Champagne Devil
- The Intelligent Fish
- A Remarkable Candlestick
- How to Weigh a Letter with a Broomstick
- Soap Bubbles and Carbonic Acid Gas
- The Camphor Scorpion
- Hydraulic Turntable of Nuts
- The Revolving Siphon
- The Miniature Steamship
- The Bottle Cannon
- The Paper Swimming Fish
- The Power of the Breath
- The Jumping Coin
- The Automatic Butterfly
- Centrifugal Force. - Whirling a Glass of Water without Spilling a Drop
- The Waltzing Egg
- The Pressure of the Atmosphere
- The Water Pendulum
- Lifting a Glass with the Palm of the Hand
- A New Way to Empty a Glass
- The Metamorphosis of a Soap-Bubble
- Hung without a Rope
- In Water, but not Wet
- How to Make Pins and Needles Float
- The Economical Compass
- Collision of Two Mimic Ironclads
- Rotation of the Earth
- How to Float Corks Vertically
- The Dancing Jack in the Looking Glass
- An Eye in the Back of the Head
- New Chinese Shadows
- Theatricals in a Mirror
- The Living Shadow
- The Disappearing Gold Piece
- The Devil in Green
- The Tricolored Star
- The Spinning Pin
- The Family Lottery
- The Broken Looking-Glass
- Stage Equilibrists
- The Electrified Envelope
- Lamp-Glass, or Electric Machine?
- Experiments in Primary Electro-Magnetism
- The Punishment of Tantalus
- Buttin the Wall
- A Very Awkward Broomstick
- The Five Straw Trick
- To Lift Fifteen Matches with One
- The Bent Match Problem
- The Infernal Machine
- The Magic Javelin
- How to Make a Lamp Chimney Smoke a Cigarette
- The Pyramid of Glasses
- The Triplet Glasses
- The Bottle on the Keys
- The Improvised Plate Support
- A Pair of Scales made out of Threads
- The Steelyard Balance
- Candlestick and Watch-Stand
- The Magic Ball
- A Novel Vaporizer
- The Blown-out Candle Re-lighted
- Unconscious Movements
- The New Shadowgraphy
- The Obedient and the Disobedient Egg
- The Mannikins
- The Bird on the Branch
- A Rolling Body goes Up-hill
- Foucault's Pendulum
- Equilibrium of Superimposed Fluids
- Oil Sauce to Everybody's Taste
- The Egg in Salt Water
- The Ghost of a Lump of Sugar
- The Microbe Bottle Imp
- Density of Carbonic Acid Gas
- The Candle in the Lamp Chimney
- How to make a Banana peel Itself
- The Jet of Water in a Vacuum
- The Revenge of the Danaides
- The Intermitting Fountain
- Automatic Drinking-Fountain for Fowls
- Wine Spouting from Water
- Wine Changed to Water
- The Cup of Tantalus
- The Flattening of the Earth at the Poles. - Its Rotundity at the Equator
- How to Distinguish at Sight a Hard-boiled Egg from a Raw One
- Gold Washing
- The Greedy Matches
- Russian Mountains
- The Compressed-Air Pistol
- The Shooting-Tube
- The Tractable Balloon
- The Jumping Coin
- How Not to Blow out the Candle
- The Broken Bottle
- The Sliding Railway
- A Hammer Made of Water
- An Improvised Hygroscope
- The Musical Glass
- Breaking a Glass with the Voice
- The Magical Arrow
- The Electroscope
- Rotation of a Horizontal Wheel before a Magnet
- Reflection of Light on the Surface of Transparent Bodies
- The Magical Box
- Double Convex and Double Concave Lenses
- Cutting a Thread Hung in a Bottle
- The Wish-Bone Experiment
- Making the Bird enter the Cage
- Moving Shadows
- Lineal Drawing without Instruments
- Superposable Figures
- The Five-pointed Star
- The Square of the Hypothenuse
- Tracing an Oval with an Ordinary Compass
- The Surface of the Sphere
- The Knife-Grinder
- The Scissors Feat
- The Enervator
- An Awkward Fix
- The Floating Candle
- The Eatable Night-Light
- The Smoker's Illusion
- Cutting Glass with a Pair of Scissors
- The Coin that cannot be Removed
- Effaceable Ink
- A Modern Catapult
- Finger Exercises
- Fantastic Soap-Bubbles
- Crocodiles' Tears
- The Traitorous Glass
- Japanese Kites
- The Automatic Extinguisher
- Illustrated Candles
- The Nut-Cracker
- Construction of the Lily of the Valley
- The Horse-Chestnut as a Night-Light
- The Hypnotized Egg
- The Dancing-Jacks
word count: 45492 which is equivalent to 181 standard pages of text