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Miracles of Modern Magic
by Claude Klingsor

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Miracles of Modern Magic by Claude Klingsor

For me personally these lecture notes have been a real treat - something I enjoyed tremendously reading and getting my creative juices flowing. This is an ebook on enabling miracles with electronics. Magicians have always used the latest technology to create their wonders. Claude Klingsor from Belgium has specialized in using electronics to create miracles.

This is a magic ebook for engineers, inventors and tinkerers. The fact that these notes were written in the late 80s means that you won't find any microcontrollers, but that is also the charm of this ebook. The circuits are very easy to understand and build - a transistor here, a resistor there, and a LED to round it out. So simple some of the electronics are, many are ingenious. For example, "Pythagoras - Supreme Number Divination" uses simple IR sensors to produce an unexplainable mystery. The method is so clever that I was tempted to pull out my soldering iron and build one for myself. But I first wanted to get this ebook to you.

When I read these lecture notes I was transported back about 20 years when I built Anverdi props - a box that mysteriously closes just before the selected card should be placed into it - and others. I was dreaming to manufacture many of these and build a company selling such props. My career path took a different turn, but others have just done that. Fabrice Delaure has built a successful magic business solely based on manufacturing effects very similar to the ideas of Klingsor.

These notes were originally published in French and have not seen a large circulation. They have been masterfully translated by Pierre-Ulric Achour, and are now exclusively available here at the Lybrary. Enjoy!

1st edition 1988, 26 pages.

  1. Introduction
  2. Tele-Blocs
  3. Radio-BIC
  4. Neon-levitation
  5. Candelas
  6. New Chronos
  7. Pythagoras
  8. Novelties
  9. - Low Consumption LEDs
  10. - New 9 Volt Lithium Batteries
  11. - Invisible Reed Interrupter Switch
  12. - Miniature IR Emitter
  13. - The IR Ring
  14. - The IR Notepad
  15. - The IR Matchbox

word count: 7340 which is equivalent to 29 standard pages of text

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / DIY, Makers & Builders

miniTesla: build electronics and more / Projects & Circuits