NOTICE: This is an expanded version of an illusion described in Grant's Lost Illusion Files. It gives you far more information.
Although this illusion can be done year-round, this makes a great illusion for spook shows or Halloween shows. For those affairs, it is the perfect illusion and it would be hard to find an illusion more suited for those occasions.
EFFECT: The magician shows a three-fold screen with a black interior. He forms the screen into a three-sided cabinet with opening at the front. The performer says that he is going spook hunting. As the saying goes, it takes a thief to catch a thief.
The performer says he will dress as a ghost to catch a ghost. So he dons a sheet costume and picks up another sheet and drapes it over the opening of the screen. He removes the sheet and shows a skeleton in the center of the screen.
Next he says he will cause the skeleton to vanish. He covers the screen front again. This time when the sheet is removed the skeleton has vanished and the magician is seen to be standing inside the screen! The person on stage removes the sheet ghost costume and is seen to be a girl much to the amazement of the audience.
This illusion can be done on stage, gymnasiums, large club rooms or at church basement shows. There is a nice added effect (if you can turn off the lights) that is described. However, it is not necessary to turn out the lights to do this.
The directions give you sources for everything you need, plus tell you how to make a costume out of a sheet. Easy and inexpensive to make.
Strong enough to close a show with and as effective as illusions that sell for thousands of dollars. TWO-IN-ONE-ILLUSION - Once you have the screen made, this illusion can also be used for Grant's How To Make Santa Appear, hence giving you two illusions in one.
1st edition 2017, 7 pages.
word count: 1827 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text