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Magigram Volume 13 (Sep 1980 - Aug 1981)
by Supreme-Magic-Company


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Magigram Volume 13 (Sep 1980 - Aug 1981) by Supreme-Magic-Company
This product is also part of:

The Magigram, Volume 13, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

816 pages. Now printed with page numbers!

  1. Volume 13, Number 1, September, 1980, 68 pages - Super September Sorcery
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Another Look at Kellini's Flower Cards - Angus Lavery
  5. A Twist - Myster Yaffe (Malcolm Yaffe)
  6. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  7. The Buzz-Word Syndrome - article by Stanton Carlisle
  8. Presentation for Pavel's "Colorings" - David Drake
  9. Watch It! - George Hills
  10. An Extra for "Silken Butterfly" - Harry Carnegie
  11. Errors in Magic - advice - Harry Carnegie
  12. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Travelling Publicity
  13. My Routine with the Egg Bag - Luis M. Gavilondo (Cuba)
  14. jokes
  15. Assisting the Show-organiser - Wally Taylor in Magicana
  16. Adair's Tip Tops - Ian Adair
    • Keeping Clean
  17. Things on Colorings - Ivan J. Hannah
  18. Auto-Obit - re: John Wade's car
  19. A Knockout Washout - Jack Jansen
  20. 20th Century Crystal Blow Tube - Angus Lavery
  21. Advice from Stanton Carlisle [re: pyrotechnics]
  22. Happy - testimonial
  23. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  24. Tip for Australian Magi! - testimonial
  25. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Ball Roll Vanish - John Bowery
    • Open Palm Vanish - Roy Scott
  26. Routine for Supreme's Climax Colour Chips - Les Sunderland
  27. Appearance - advice - Wally Taylor in Magicana
  28. The 'Turn-it-Round' Paddle - Geoff. Lawrence
  29. Tale - joke
  30. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Give-Away Bin
  31. Blake's Bafflers - George Blake
    • "Dummy" Cig-Packet - or "Cig-Packet Puppet"
  32. Topsy Turvy Queen - Toni Torini (Belgium)
  33. Patter Quips - jokes
  34. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Reset Your Show at the Show
  35. P.S. to S.P. (Postscript to Supreme Products) - Leslie May
  36. Professor's Three-to-One Nightmare - Tom Ogden
  37. More Non-Stop Testimonials
  38. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  39. Great Guns! - testimonial
  40. Happy Days - Being the Life Diary of an Ageing Magician - Peter Warlock
  41. My Ideas on Soccer Special - Gordon Branchflower
  42. Supreme's Brass Nut Release - Children's and Adult's Routine - Robert John Averill
  43. The Ghost of Christmas Passed - Tom Ogden
  44. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Spirit Message
  45. Tricksters Transferred - crossword - Russell J. Hall
  46. The Goldstein Continuum - Phil Goldstein
    • Sveep
  47. Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
    • Fabian's Manila Coin
  48. The Adam and Eve Club - Ken de Courcy
  49. Stanton Carlisle Writes - re Socko 20th Century
  50. Tel-ESP-athy - Someeran (India)
  51. Comedy Shuffles - Angus Lavery
  52. My Magic World - Edwin [Hooper]
  53. advertisements

  1. Volume 13, Number 2, October, 1980, 68 pages - The Best at Brighton
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Still "More Little Words" - Moves with a Ring and Rope
      • Slow Ring Release
      • Moves from Jan Dinitman of Holland
  5. The Magical Compere (M.C.) - Stanton Carlisle
  6. Pocket Penetration - Tony Hammond
  7. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  8. ESPecially Yours - Solyl & Bablu Kundu (India)
  9. Getting Down To It - Michael Rogers
  10. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  11. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • More I.B.M-entality
  12. A Letter from Myster Yaffe
  13. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  14. cartoon
  15. The Ultra Telephonic Telepathy Miracle - Terry Gilbert
  16. Further Than That (Continued) - Herb Rungay (USA)
  17. Another Rave for Another Book - testimonial
  18. Double-E.S.P. - Shaun McCree
  19. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Avoiding Pounds
  20. Puzzle Magic - Alan Ward
    • Help Sir Jasper
    • Pulling Apart
  21. Brighton Convention - Smash Hit - report
  22. Alan Kennaugh at Brighton - report
  23. Lookback at Brighton - report - Peter Warlock
    • International Close-Up Show
  24. Drool in September - Supreme catalog review - Ken de Courcy
  25. Hermie The Helping Spirit Hand - H. Mark Kandel (USA)
  26. Happy Days - Being the Life Diary of an Ageing Magician - Peter Warlock
  27. Squircle - Martelle
  28. Surprise Experiment! - Kenneth Lang
  29. Blake's Bafflers - George Blake
    • 'Cheeky' Ring Off Cord
  30. Tuts Tablets - testimonial
  31. Compaddle - Len Edwards
  32. Guidelines to Success - article - Stanton Carlisle
  33. Flippant Flame Addition - Charles Pemberton
  34. My Magic World - Edwin [Hooper]
  35. The Magic Circle - letter from John Salisse
  36. £1,000 Jackpot - product review
  37. The Trick Without a Name - Solyl & Bablu Kundu (India)
  38. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Looking After Your Props
  39. advertisements

  1. Volume 13, Number 3, November, 1980, 68 pages - Cold Weather Hot Magic
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Double Whammy - Tom Ogden
  5. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • The Magic of Jack Hill
      • The Homing Ladybird
      • Card and Matchbox Monte
  6. Party Piece - Ye Olde Three Card Trick - puzzle
  7. The Xiela Turnover - Aleix Badet (Spain)
  8. Two Great Effects - testimonial
  9. The Value of Reading - article by Wiliam Beecham
  10. Sex Appeal - Solyl & Bablu Kundu (India)
  11. Lucky Fruit! - Neil Somerville
  12. Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
    1. Repeat Production of a Die Stack
    2. A New Production Hat
    3. Silks in Sympathy
    4. Confetti Magic
    5. Lolly-Pop Prediction
  13. Colombini's "Synod" Simplified - Mark Leveridge
  14. The Weston Way - Mark Weston
    • Illegal
    • Sweet Simplicity
    • Horoscope
    • The Seven of Magpies
    • Anti Freeze
  15. Playing Cards at Christmas - history
  16. P.S. to S.P. (Postscript to Supreme Products) - Leslie May
  17. Mail-Box - correspondence from Les Fisher
  18. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  19. An Ace Routine - Ron Mann "A Mann and His Magic"
  20. A Letter from Down-under - Burns Scandrett
  21. Stanton Carlisle Writes
  22. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Sex Detector
  23. The Goldstein Continuum - Phil Goldstein
    • Vacation
  24. Some Thoughts from Theo Roos
    • Kolor-Kamera (Karrell Fox)
    • Cork Through Hole
    • Match to Flower
  25. Ring-on-Ring - Ravelle & Andrée
  26. Dynamic Close-Up - testimonial
  27. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  28. More form Michael Rogers
  29. Russian Roulette - Solyl & Bablu Kundu (India)
  30. Blake's Bafflers - George Blake
    • Seeing RED!
  31. Puzzle Time - Alan Ward
    • Do It In Your Head!
    • Holey Card Trick
  32. Tampering with Tamper Free - Jesse Demaline
  33. Perfect A Star - puzzle - Alan Ward
  34. Abdul's Camel - Arthur Setterington
  35. Smile-A-While - jokes
  36. Puzzle-Time - Alan Ward
    • Zig-Zag
    • Reverso
  37. Happy Days - Being the Life Diary of an Ageing Magician - Peter Warlock
  38. Thanks to George Blake - Stanton Carlisle
  39. Mix-Up - historical note
  40. Tips on some Supreme Effects - Choy Yoon Hoong
    • Golden Galaxy of Roses
    • Blendiferous
    • Fantasy in Feathers
  41. Mail-Box - correspondence & testimonial
  42. Bits of Business for the Kid's Shows - Ian Adair
    • Worth Your Salt
    • It's a Banana!
    • First Introductions
    • Fun with the Windmill Wand
    • A Piece of the Man in the Moon
  43. Rhyming Patter for "Up Fido" - Ken de Courcy
  44. Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
    • The Martian
  45. advertisements

  1. Volume 13, Number 4, December, 1980, 68 pages - December Dazzlers
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Sinclair's Supersonic - Frank Sinclair
  5. Pleased! - testimonial
  6. Up Go Prices - Jack Bridwell
  7. The Season of Games - Neil Somerville
  8. Tips on Xmas Shows - Michael Rogers
  9. cartoon - Ted Salter
  10. Last Call! - for Young Magician of the Year Competition
  11. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  12. Santa-Tear Plus - Sinclair
  13. S.O.S. - request for back issues
  14. Erratum! - Peter Warlock's Happy Days Column
  15. Happy Days - Being the Life Diary of an Ageing Magician - Peter Warlock
  16. Nut Cracker Supreme - Terry Gilbert
  17. Spectator Miracle Match - Terry Gilbert
  18. Are You a Square-Shooter? - puzzle
  19. Stop Control - Ken de Courcy
  20. My Routine for Snooper Snooped - Gerald Sykes
  21. Instant Matrix - Tom Ogden
  22. Guardian of the Pharaohs - Jon Shailes
  23. Speedy! - testimonial
  24. Three Surprises - Herb Rungay (USA)
  25. Vice-Versa Balls and Tumbles - Luis M. Gavilondo (Cuba)
  26. A Brief Spell - puzzle - Alan Ward
  27. Adair's Tip Tops - Ian Adair
    • Puzzlers with Polo Mints [similar to Liffesavers]
  28. Fantastic! - testimonial
  29. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Spinning Ring Release - Len Edwards
    • Upsidedown Slip Force - John Shailes
  30. Lexicon Aces - George Hills
  31. Follow the Joker Again - Paul Hallas
  32. My Presentation of Pavel's Rings - Alan Ward
  33. Thought
  34. My Magic World - Edwin [Hooper]
    • The Magic Circle Banquet - photos
  35. Boris - Charles Temple Jnr.
  36. Cats and Bells - Len Belcher
  37. A Name Test - Neil Somerville
  38. Close-Up on Canada - Elizabeth Warlock
  39. The Zombie-Style Rising and Floating Jumbo Card - Charles A. Scott
  40. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  41. Laughter in Magic - Neil Somerville
  42. Boy, You Can Do All of That! But How Come You Can't... - humor - Kenneth Mate
  43. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • The H.R.B. Book Test
  44. New Hot Money - Angus Lavery
  45. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  46. A Comedy Routine with the Lewiscone - Harry Carnegie
  47. Tap 3 Times - A Routine for Supreme Brass Nut Release - Len Edwards
  48. advertisements

  1. Volume 13, Number 5, January, 1981, 68 pages - A Happy Xmas and a Supreme Magical Year
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  5. Supreme Act - Sinclair
  6. Non-Stop Testimonials
  7. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Mo's 'Think of any One of These Cards' - Mo Howarth
  8. Self-Interest - anecdote
  9. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Speedy Sponges
  10. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Your refill Box
  11. Ultimate - Just Think-"Do as I Do" - Kenneth Lang
  12. Bongo Notions - Ali Bongo
    • Pick-A-Pill
  13. The Oriental Paper Trick - Neil Somerville
  14. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  15. The Animated Cigarette - Solyl & Bablu Kundu (India)
  16. Close-Up on Canada - Elizabeth Warlock
  17. Going Mental - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  18. How to 'Hang Out the Droodles' - puzzle - Alan Ward
  19. Times remembered when The Bug Bit Deep - Series by Tommy Rowe
    • Introduction
    • Chapter 1 - The Long Hare
  20. A New Way with the Elmsley Count - Mark Leveridge
  21. Service and Success - testimonial
  22. Another Routine for Pavel's Colorings - Paul Kane
  23. Over the Rainbow - Harry Carnegie
  24. Chuckles - jokes
  25. Once More-Snow-White Surprise - T.M. Snyman
  26. The Capricious Card - Ken de Courcy
  27. Talking Tricks - Ken de Courcy
    • Quazy-Quick-Change
  28. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  29. Four Blank Routine - Harry Carnegie
  30. Panello (the way we do) - Solyl & Bablu Kundu (India)
  31. Tips and Pieces - Stanton Carlisle
  32. ...And A Very Merry Switch-Can To You! - Ken de Courcy
  33. Envelop-ee - trivia
  34. Stanton Carlisle Writes - Eggsactly!
  35. Dynasty - Scott Turner
  36. The Ace Reporter - Ernie Jones
  37. Early Retirement Programmes - humor
  38. Talking Tricks - Ken de Courcy
    • Terry Gilbert's Recurrent Currency
  39. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • On that Rainy Day
  40. My Magic World - Edwin [Hooper]
  41. advertisements
  42. Book Review - Ken Brooke's Magic, The Unique Years - I.A.
  43. advertisements

  1. Volume 13, Number 6, February, 1981, 68 pages - Finger-Flipping-Good
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Newspaper Miracle
  5. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Passing Coins from Hand to Hand - P.K. Ilango
  6. From the Mail Bag - Diploma Tips - C. Eastwood
  7. My Magic World - Edwin [Hooper]
  8. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  9. Bongo Notions - Ali Bongo
    • ungimmicked three matchbox monte
  10. A Card Trick - Michael Rogers
  11. The Magic Wand - poem - Kenneth Mate
  12. Times remembered when The Bug Bit Deep - Series by Tommy Rowe
    • Destruction & Restoration
  13. My Patter for 'Four Smart Girls' - Oscar Oswald
  14. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  15. The Great Dane - Stanton Carlisle
  16. Colombini's Card Magic
    • Fabian's Strange Sandwich
  17. Three New'Uns' From Fogel's Marketed Effects - Ian Adair
    • Holiday abroad
    • BBB (Bewitch, Bottled and Bewildered, using the bags only)
    • Predictions
  18. Color-Changing Deck Addition - John Yeager (USA)
  19. Treat with Matches - puzzle
  20. AS in a Mirror...Brightly - article by Stanton Carlisle
  21. Rainbow Key - George Hills
  22. Curry's Oracle - Ken de Courcy
  23. Topping Up the Top Ten (See New Pentagram, Vol. 10, page 61) - Jessie Demaline
  24. Ken's Laugh-In - cartoon
  25. A Circle Squared - B. Sarney
  26. The Tale of a Tortoise - A routine for Supreme's Potty Spots - Ken de Courcy
  27. Keep Up The Good Work But... - Toni Torrini (Belgium)
  28. Bouquets! - testimonials
  29. So Long Rhyme - George Hills
  30. Cat and Mouse - Harry Carnegie
  31. Book Review - Ken Brooke's Magic, The Unique Years - Ken de Courcy
  32. The Goldstein Continuum - Phil Goldstein
    • Flagging Attention
  33. It's a W-hole Trick - Henrique
  34. Outstanding! - testimonials
  35. advertisements

  1. Volume 13, Number 7, March, 1981, 68 pages - Best of British
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Billy McComb and the Burning Question - Stanton Carlisle
  5. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Designing Pictures on Silks
  6. Bouquets from Bernard - testimonial
  7. Times remembered when The Bug Bit Deep - Series by Tommy Rowe
    • A Real Magician
  8. Mark Wilson Tours China
  9. Blake's Bafflers - George Blake
    • Wrong Guess!
  10. Close-Up on Canada - Elizabeth Warlock
  11. Edwin Gets a Medal! - testimonials
  12. Avara Parade
    1. Coin Through the Table
    2. Prelude to the Rising Cards
    3. Secret of the Seven Boxes
    4. Four Glass Production
    5. Floating Vase
    6. Dominoe's Routine
    7. Chink-A-Chink
  13. The Goldstein Continuum - Phil Goldstein
    • Tri-Fle
  14. Stanton Carlisle Writes
  15. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  16. Bow-Tie Trickery - Jack Bridwell
    • Mini-Ties
    • Colour Change Bow
    • Another Colour Change
    • Giant Bow
    • Bow Paddle
    • Silk to Bow
    • Bow Wand
  17. Ogi! Ogi! Ogi! - Terwyn Tomos
  18. My Routine for the Penetrating Balloon - D. Blyth
  19. Doctor, Doctor - David Gilchrist
  20. 'Silk-On-Rope' Variation - Arun Bonerjee
  21. Thoughts on Children's Entertainment - Ian Adair
  22. Card Between Aces - Mark Weston
  23. Extracts from Letters Received by the Ministry of Pensions - humor
  24. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  25. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Quick and Effective Lighting
  26. Andre Robert's Titan
  27. Here's a Strange Thing! - Ken de Courcy
  28. Book Review - "Ken Brooke's Magic, The Unique Years" - Peter Warlock
  29. Happy Days - Being the Life Diary of an Ageing Magician - Peter Warlock
  30. Blooming Flowers in the Air - Choy Yoon Hoong
  31. My Magic World - Edwin [Hooper]
  32. advertisements

  1. Volume 13, Number 8, April, 1981, 68 pages - Lewis Ganson Memorial Issue
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Tribute to Lewis Ganson Issue - A Message from Mrs. Jo Ganson
  5. Lewis Ganson, He Was My Friend - Will Ayling
  6. The Magical Giant - Tudor Brock
  7. Preface - Peter Warlock
  8. The Modest Genius
  9. I Am Sad - Luis Gavilondo (Cuba)
  10. A Great Influence - Bob Read
  11. Triple Sympathetic Choice - Les Sunderland
    • A Convincing E.S.P. Force Board
  12. The Gentle Man of Magic - Bob Gill
    • Boldly Wild
  13. Lewis at the Home Counties
  14. Colourful Thoughts - Stanton Carlisle
  15. photo of Lewis Ganson and friends
  16. thoughts from Arun Bonerjee
  17. Happy Memories - Michael Hooper
  18. thoughts from Dean Metcalfe
  19. thoughts from Syd Plomer
  20. He is Gone but he was Unafraid - James Breedon
  21. thoughts from Jadukar Chakra, Calcutta
  22. thoughts from Ken Savage
  23. Further Notes on the Double Lift - Bonny Bernard & David Britland
  24. thoughts from Ring 25
  25. photo of Lewis Ganson and Bill Strickland
  26. Harry Stanley reminisces - On the Late and Great Lewis Ganson
  27. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
    • Captain Kettle set Lewis Ganson on the Boil
  28. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Universal Control
  29. Lewis Ganson - Ken de Courcy
    • Using P-A-T-E-O with People
    • The Father Prediction
    • Party Impromptu
    • Impromptu Prediction
    • Location Prediction
    • Birthday Prize
    • Santa Claus
  30. Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
    • Fabian's Ultra Spelling The Aces - Plus
      • Spelling the Aces
      • Triumph - Plus
  31. thoughts from Aldo Colombini (Fabian)
  32. thoughts from Ken Lang
  33. A Letter from The Magic Circle - John Salisse
  34. photo of Lewis & Jo Ganson with Will & Win Ayling (and wives)
  35. A Tribute to Lewis - And A Trick - Michael Symes
  36. thoughts from Jeffrey Atkins
  37. thoughts from R.H. Crease
  38. Lewis Ganson - thoughts from Rae Hammond
  39. thoughts from Goutam Guha
  40. thoughts from John Mills
  41. thoughts from Alan Shaxon
  42. thoughts from Peter Scarlett
  43. Three Little Words-Plus - Les Sunderland
  44. Hokus in Hollywood - Ken de Courcy
  45. Times remembered when The Bug Bit Deep - Series by Tommy Rowe
    • The Prize We Should Never Have Won
  46. Praise for Stanton - testimonial
  47. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  48. The Houdini Coin - Sinclair
  49. The 'Certain Ethic' Sorcerer - Cleve Canham
  50. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  51. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Tissue Tips
  52. advertisements

  1. Volume 13, Number 9, May, 1981, 68 pages - Mike's Magical Madness
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. The Monte Cristo Ring - Terry Gilbert
  5. How to Droodle for the Children - Alan Ward
  6. Close-Up on Canada - Elizabeth Warlock
  7. A Hell of a Trick - Alan Ward
  8. Colour in Mind-Plus - Sinclair
  9. Guardians of the Pack - Charles A. Scott
  10. My Telephone Trick - Edward G. Love
  11. Fantastic! - testimonials
  12. Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
    • Fabian's Havana Sandwich
    • The Siva Count - Jack Avis
  13. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Your Car Case
  14. Mike's Magical Madness - Michael D. Pettitt
    1. This is Mike Pettitt
    2. The Opener
    3. The Zebra-Crossing Game
    4. Cabaret Table
    5. Little Boy Blue
    6. The Mental Birthday Trick
  15. Double Hot Dogs - Cleve Canham
  16. Tremendous! - testimonial
  17. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  18. The Goldstein Continuum - Phil Goldstein
    • Murder's Row
  19. It's a Pleasure! - testimonial
  20. Blake's Bafflers - George Blake
    • Coin Slot
  21. Newcomer! - testimonial
  22. Times remembered when The Bug Bit Deep - Series by Tommy Rowe
    • The Enchanted Island
  23. Label Luck - Ian Adair
  24. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Info-Board
  25. Heavy Air Tube-Plus - Sinclair
  26. A Brass Nut Routine - Aladin
  27. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
    • The Magic of Steve Dusheck
  28. Three Silks on a Rope - Gordon W. Mattice (USA)
  29. A Tip for Al Koran' Newspaper Prediction - Peter Warlock
  30. Happy Days - Being the Life Diary of an Ageing Magician - Peter Warlock
  31. Further Ideas Using the Bigga and - Ian Adair
    • Wand from Purse
    • The Magic Wand Line...Shhh...It's Really Magic!
    • Wand from Cone
    • Magic Skipping
    • Magic Firework!
  32. Oil & Water Presentation - Dr. Nicholls Harley
  33. My Magic World - Edwin [Hooper]
  34. British Magic Arts - advertisement
  35. In His Own Hands - Ken de Courcy
  36. Did You Know - Paul Marcus in "Magicana"
  37. advertisements

  1. Volume 13, Number 10, June, 1981, 68 pages - June Gems
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
    • A Flashback to Dateline, Hollywood, December 1980
  5. Mail-Box - correspondence
  6. Review - The Magic Circular Oct/Nov 80 - The Cut Throat Column - John Holland
  7. Rhyming Patter for 'Four Smart Girls' - Ian Adair
  8. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • P.D. Coincidence
  9. Praise from Germany - testimonial
  10. Blake's Bafflers - George Blake
    • The Spinning Vanishing Coin
  11. Did You Know? - Paul Marcus in "Magicana"
  12. The Naked Sandwich - D.A. Eagger
  13. Incredible - testimonials
  14. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  15. comment about Phil Wilmarth in "Linking Ring"
  16. Silken Lapel Rose - Choy Yoon Hoong
  17. Thanx! - testimonial
  18. Silken Bouquet - Choy Yoon Hoong
  19. Here's Your Mondo - Stanton Carlisle
  20. I'm Broke Paper Tear - Ian Adair
  21. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  22. Two 'Top on the Bottom' Card Effects - Kenneth Lang
    • A Simple Lesson in Thought Reading
  23. Overseas Editors Note! - pirated effects
  24. Close-Up on Canada - Elizabeth Warlock
  25. Advice for Children's Party Givers
  26. Times remembered when The Bug Bit Deep - Series by Tommy Rowe
    • Chapter Six - Jam Jar, Book and Candle
  27. Road Sign Paddle - Len Edwards
  28. From 'Down Under' - testimonial
  29. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  30. Three Tips - A.S. Wright
    • Future Fungus (flowers)
    • Self Rising Flower
    • Silk on a Sash
  31. Super Sorcery - testimonial
  32. Happy Days - Being the Life Diary of an Ageing Magician - Peter Warlock
  33. 20th Century Aces - John Delaney
  34. Patter Routine for The Perfect Torn and Restored Cigarette-paper - Ken de Courcy
  35. My Magic World - Edwin [Hooper]
  36. From the Memel - Modern Mystic League, Blackburn
  37. Munich Magic - convention announcement
  38. The 'This-or-That' Prediction - Ken de Courcy
  39. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • The Trevor Lewis Three Card Monte Routine
    • The Trevor Lewis 'New Twist'
  40. Visitor from Outer Space - George Hills
  41. advertisements

  1. Volume 13, Number 11, July, 1981, 68 pages - Lucky Eleven
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Wonderful Magic - testimonials
  5. Happy Days - Being the Life Diary of an Ageing Magician - Peter Warlock
  6. Times remembered when The Bug Bit Deep - Series by Tommy Rowe
    • Chapter Seven - No! I'm Alice in Hastings
  7. Time, Date, Venue - Wally Taylor, Magicana
  8. Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
    • Triumph Trio
  9. Simplified Sorcery - Bill Lainsbury
  10. Image Intensifier - Bill Lainsbury
  11. The 'Wittus' Chink-A-Chink Coin Routine - Bill Lainsbury
  12. Some Ideas for Tele-Frame - Garth Davies
  13. Miracle X - A Tip on Handling Technique - Terry Gilbert
  14. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  15. The Goldstein Continuum - Phil Goldstein
    • Cryptography
  16. Great Service! - testimonial
  17. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  18. Rank Paddle - Fabian [Aldo Colombinni]
  19. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  20. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  21. Please Note - banknote facts
  22. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • The Tax Problem
  23. Best Books! - testimonials
  24. 'Sleight of Word' with Ten Horses - Alan Ward
  25. Kid's Entertainers Favourite - testimonials
  26. Triple E.S.P. Prediction - Someeran (India)
  27. Dante's Stamp Album Routine - Luis Gavilondo
  28. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Zodiac One
  29. My Magic World - Edwin [Hooper]
  30. advertisements

  1. Volume 13, Number 12, August, 1981, 68 pages - Francis Haxton's Magic, Plus
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Voodooism - Someeran (India)
  5. An Extra for the 'Invisible Pack' - Harry Carnegie
  6. My Way With Ribbon Rings - Gerry Walker
  7. The Francis Haxton Showcase
    1. Francis Haxton profile
    2. Miracle Reverse
    3. Snap
    4. Roboto
    5. The Card That Wasn't There
    6. Trapped
    7. Second Sight
  8. Eggs for Sale - Ravelle and Andree
  9. The Bargain Hunter - Stanton Carlisle
  10. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Built-in Clock
  11. The Nude Slate - Barry Seymour
  12. Michael Rogers on Kids
  13. All in a Dove's Work - poem - Kenneth Mate
  14. Double Diamond - George Hills
  15. Best Butter - Mark Weston
  16. A Story in Silk - Harry Carnegie
  17. If It Was Me - program ideas - Ken de Courcy
    • Dove Papers
    • Rabbit Romp
    • Mirror Tube
    • Graph-ezee
    • Tubes of Kuma
    • One-Handed Changing Bag
    • Cigarette Through Coin
    • Hydrostatic Glass
    • The Joe Cossari Card Act
    • Darting Discs
  18. The Goldstein Continuum - Phil Goldstein
    • Primary
  19. Nut-Cracker - Arthur Setterington
  20. Comedy Billiard Balls - Sinclair
  21. Dressing Gown Cords
  22. How Many Questions - re: Tarot deck - Stanton Carlisle
  23. The Elephant Bag - Michael Rogers
  24. My Routine for Uncle Charlie's Nigh Cap! - Harry Carnegie
  25. Different - testimonial
  26. Mother Hubbard's Dog - George Hills
  27. Once in a Lifetime - Walter 'Zaney' Blaney
  28. Paging Jack Davis - Kevin Hart
  29. Swami Out - Paul Woodhouse
  30. Egg Bag Routine - Tom Rigby
  31. Silver Sceptre - Ali Ben Ali
  32. Tips and Ideas - Sinclair
    • Stuffed Eggs
    • On Cards
  33. Lie Detector - T.M. Snyman
  34. Comedy Zombie Floating Skull - Charles Scott
  35. Great Props and Routines - testimonial
  36. The Tubes of Kuma - Mark Harrison
  37. A Patter Routine for 'Fireproof' - Ken de Courcy
  38. Bakeresque - Stanton Carlisle
  39. Snippets! - jokes
  40. Routine for Supreme's Releaso - Ken de Courcy
  41. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Transparent Holders
    • Performing in Hotels
  42. Two by Eric Thompson
    • The Stolen Ruby
    • Chink Penetration
  43. A Hit - testimonial
  44. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Filing All Your Flat Props
  45. advertisements

word count: 445346 which is equivalent to 1781 standard pages of text