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Magnetic Coins
by Mark Leveridge


(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Magnetic Coins by Mark Leveridge

Two coins are tipped from a purse and are placed apart on the table. They are then covered by two playing cards. With no apparent moves the two coins are suddenly found together under one of the cards. Replacing them apart again, they are covered once more. Again the two coins magically jump together under one card. Finally, one coin is placed back into the purse and the other is covered by the two cards. Instantly it vanishes and is found inside the purse with the first coin.

This sleight-of-hand effect requires no gimmicks and must be worked on a close-up mat. You will only require some coins, a purse, and some playing cards.

video 11:27.

Reviewed by John Cheek
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 23 May, 2024

Mark, your reputation for making quality effects is un- surpassed. I remember reading ads in the Linking Ring since oh the late 80's. This was just beautiful