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Maurice Sardina

Maurice Sardina

(Paris, France: 11th April 1891 - 27th May 1977)

Learned magic in 1903. Engineer in Nice. Amateur magician. AFAP Master Magician. Edited Journal de la Prestidigitation 1945-49. Wrote La magie du sorcier (1946), with English translation by Fitzkee as The Magic of Rezvani (1949); Les `erreurs' de Harry Houdini (1947), with English translation by Victor Farelli as Where Houdini Was Wrong (1950, 120pp), which is Sardina's famous answer to Houdini's effort to discredit Robert-Houdin; and Rezvanimagie (1949). Translator of magic books, including Keith Clark's classic Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks in 1958. Tricks in Journal de la Prestidigitation.

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★★★★★ $20
Maurice Sardina
The Magic of Rezvani by Maurice Sardina

Translated from French (La Magie du Sorcier) to English by Dariel Fitzkee. It details the tricks, moves, ideas, and improvements of Rezvani, the Persian magician who has been a sensation among the magicians of Paris. Overall it is an excellent work, particularly for those who appreciate the finer points of sleights and how they are deployed in tricks. There is a lot here for card magicians. Also his most famous trick the Tomato trick is explained, but for that routine, I suggest studying The Cushions of the Princess: or the tomato game.

Paul Flemming writes:

Medjid Kan Rezvani, a native of Persia who now resides in Paris, is recognized as one of the most...