Dariel Fitzkee
(14th May 1898 - 1977)
Born in Annawan, Illinois. Pen name of Dariel Fitzroy. Acoustical engineer in San Rafael, California. Semi-pro magician. Toured an unsuccessful full-evening show 1939-40. Reportedly dropped magic in disgust.
(14th May 1898 - 1977)
Born in Annawan, Illinois. Pen name of Dariel Fitzroy. Acoustical engineer in San Rafael, California. Semi-pro magician. Toured an unsuccessful full-evening show 1939-40. Reportedly dropped magic in disgust.
A master class on card technique, giving the 19 possible effects in all of card magic, the 16 basic sleight-of-hand accomplishments, and details on what is required to become an expert with cards. The first six chapters alone are a "must read" for all magicians, as they will most certainly provide motivation and (hopefully) inspiration to improve their routines.
Also included is a completely rewritten and illustrated explanation of Buckley's Thirty Card Problems book, including explanations and illustrations of the necessary sleights, supplementary suggestions, presentation ideas, observations, comments and advice...
Doctor Edward George Ervin was a dentist and amateur magician whose mentor and teacher was famous William Robinson, aka Chung Ling Soo.
Excerpt from the introduction by T. Nelson Downs:
Nearly thirty years ago, when I first met Dr. Ervin I was not only greatly impressed with the man himself, but also the type of magic he stood for. During the passing years this impression has become increasingly strengthened. To me the words "Ervin" and "subtle ingenuity" mean one and the same thing, for I have been privileged to share the greater part of his choicest magical inventions during a long period.
As per the old proverb,...
Softcover stapled. Cover soiled. For details on content see the digital edition.
Green hardcover pictorial embossed. Inside cover with exlibris of Charles L. Rulfs. For details on the content see the digital edition.
This is an early version of what would eventually become Magic by Misdirection.
A detailed analytical treatment of the principles and methods. Explores the psychological basis and its adaptation to the performance of magic. Many detailed ruses included covering the entire field. How to develop misdirection to fit all situations. What it is and how it works. The first concrete work on a subject that is common to all effects and all performers.
Paul Fleming wrote:
Every magician knows - or ought to know - that misdirection plays a vital part in the creation of a perfect conjuring illusion. We recall, as an outstanding...
A complete text on methods, mechanical devices, moves, techniques, figures, artifices, routines, etc., for performing one of the great classics in the repertoire of magic. It includes modern improvements, suggestions and ideas, together with routines eliminating the use of the key.
Paul Fleming wrote:
Once Dariel Fitzkee has determined to track down a magic trick or a principle of conjuring, there is virtually no stopping him until he has exhausted his subject; and the poor quarry has little chance of escaping its pursuer and the searching inquiry which will pierce its innermost secrets and bare them...
Create your own custom versions of the popular cut and restored rope effect.
Dariel Fitzkee applied his world-renowned Trick Brain method to completely analyze and dissemble the Cut and Restored Rope effect into its basic components. Fitzkee's patient explanations and diagrams examine the six basic principles of all rope, cord and string effects, allowing the clever performer to pick and choose the methods that best fit his or her performing style to develop diabolically clever and unique rope routines.
Along the way, you'll learn the secrets to several past and present commercial rope effects that...
In this ebook Dariel Fitzkee translates a range of moves and sleights from regular sized cards to jumbo sized cards. You will be surprised how many moves can actually be done with jumbo cards.
1st edition 1929, PDF 31 pages; illustrated
This is an important work on linking rings. It includes Fitzkee's "The Oriental Rings" routine.
34 pages
This is book two from Fitzkee's trilogy and is unlike any other book ever written on magic. It was the first book (and to my knowledge the only book) to attack magic methods from a scientific standpoint. Fitzkee develops here a classification of effects, from appearances to vanishes, and then describes a system to invent or develop new trick plots. This is an invention system. I would say it is one way to invent new trick plots. But even if you are not of the scientific sort, the classification and discussion of magic effects and methods is a tremendous resource to expand your horizon and think...
This volume, book three in the trilogy, is all about the psychology in magic. Mechanics alone, a sleight or move, are not sufficient to produce a strong magic effect. Dexterity by itself is more like juggling. Only if misdirection, the psychological aspect of deception, is added into the mix, will one be able to create a truly magic experience.
There aren't many good works on misdirection. This is one of the must read ebooks, a classic in the theory of magic. A shorter but modern discussion of misdirection can be read in Pocket Power by Jarle Leirpoll.
Paul Fleming wrote:
Several years ago, in our examination (Review No....
Dariel Fitzkee authored one of the best trilogies on magic theory. This volume, book one in the trilogy, primarily deals with theoretical aspects of a magic performance. This book has been cited numerous times and is one of the standard works every serious magician should read. Fitzkee has a very analytical mind and describes his thoughts clearly. As with any theory not everyone will agree with every detail and every suggestion. Regardless of if you fully subscribe to Fitzkee's thinking or not, there is plenty to learn from his writings.
Paul Fleming wrote:
Several years ago, Dariel Fitzkee wrote a...
The original edition of this book was selected among the best books of 1935 by John Mulholland, editor of The Sphinx. Contact mind reading or 'muscle reading' is probably the next best thing to genuine mind reading. It doesn't require any gimmicks, codes or confederates. It is based on involuntary subtle clues spectators give. This is one of the best texts ever written on this subject.
Paul Fleming wrote:
Though we personally have been witnessing mindreading acts for some forty years and presenting tests in thought-transference for more than thirty, we have never attempted to perform, and indeed have never actually seen, the...