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Max Holden

Max Holden

(20th August 1884 - 3rd July 1949)

Born in Boston, Massachusetts. Stage name of William Holden Maxwell, of Scottish parents. Inspired as youth seeing school magic show in Glasgow where his parents had moved. Self-taught. Returned to USA. Pro magician and shadowist. Worked with assistant-wife as 'Holden and Graham'. In 1929 left stage to become a magic dealer (Max Holden Magic Shop) in New York City.

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Max Holden
Holden's Catalog No. 17 (1955) by Max Holden

Max and Tess Holden established their magic mail-order business in 1929. Through the years, the business grew to three locations (Boston, Philadelphia, and New York City). The Max Holden catalog grew to hundreds of pages, offering merchandise from their own line of magic and books, as well as those of prominent manufacturers such as Petrie-Lewis, Thayer, and many others.

Arranged by subject, the effects include spirit effects, close-up magic, mentalism, livestock effects, books, blueprints, tricks with cards, money, cigarettes, liquids, candles, silks, slates, thimbles, and many others. ...

Max Holden
Max Holden Recommends by Max Holden

This was the catalog for Max Holden's Magic Shop. He had two stores, one in New York City, and one in Boston. He specialized in books. The 8 issues run from 1948 to 1951.

PDF 36 pages.

Max Holden
Il Manuale Delle Ombre Con Le Mani by Max Holden

Manuale professionale per intrattenitori, presentatori, animatori, presentatori, comici, clown, prestigiatori etc. o semplicemente per divertirsi con gli amici

In questo favoloso ebook trovi tutto, ma proprio tutto, sulle ombre con le mani (dette anche impropriamente "ombre cinesi")

Max Holden fu un noto professionista e scrittore e in quest'opera ti mette in grado di costruire uno spettacolo completo professionale con l'uso sollo delle tue mani e di un fascio di luce. Anche se non sei un professionista ma vuoi solo far divertire i tuoi amici o i bambini, troverai eccezionale questo manuale....

Max Holden
Manual of Juggling by Max Holden

This is a wonderful introduction to juggling, covering a wide variety of branches in the world of juggling - from balls to plates, clubs to hats and other objects.

  1. Contents
  2. Preface
  3. Introduction
  4. Ball Juggling
  5. - To Juggle Three Balls
  6. - Juggling Four Balls
  7. - Five Ball Juggling
  8. - The English Boomerang Ball
  9. Elementary Juggling Glossary
  10. Club Juggling
  11. - The Art Of Double Or Formation Juggling
  12. Plate Spinning
  13. Plate Juggling
  14. Hoop Juggling
  15. Hat Juggling
  16. Hat Spinning
  17. The Art Of Juggling The "Devil Sticks"
  18. Novelty Juggling
1st edition 1947; 43 pages.
★★★★ $6
Max Holden
Programmes of Famous Magicians by Max Holden

This ebook gives a very nice glimpse into the past. It describes the routines and effects of the programmes of famous magicians. You will find descriptions of programmes by Dai Vernon, Al Baker, Annemann, Cardini, Blackstone, Dante, Davenport, Hugard, Keating, and many more. Check the table of contents link further down for the complete list.

1st edition, 1937, Max Holden, New York City; 49 pages.

  1. Percy Abbott
  2. AMAC
  3. Annemann
  4. Al Baker
  5. Roy Benson
  6. Walter Baker & Co
  7. McDonald Birch & Co
  8. John Blackledge
  9. John Booth
  10. Harry Blackstone
  11. The Late Herbert Brooks
  12. Milbourne Christopher
  13. The Great Carmo
  14. Keith Clark
  15. Cardini
  16. Cortini
  17. Chris Charlton
  18. Judson Cole
  19. Henry Clive ...
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