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Mental Miracle
by Lorin Wiener

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Mental Miracle by Lorin Wiener

Read minds in just minutes. Know the image someone has drawn on screen and is merely thinking of using your Palm Pilot™. The spectator draws any number, image, or symbol on the Palm Pilot™ and then visualizes it in their mind. The magician then reads the spectators mind as he sketches the image they are thinking of right in front of their eyes!

The results are different every time, it's immediately repeatable, and it's easy to do! Spectator can examine everything without being able to figure out how it's done.

Effect: The spectator is shown a drawing program on the Palm. You draw a star or any other image to demonstrate it and then erase the picture which you drew. Explain that you would like the spectator to draw any number, image, symbol or object on the screen while the Palm Pilot is outside of your view. When the spectator has finished drawing ask them to visualize what they have drawn and get a strong mental image of it before deleting it. As the spectator hands the Palm Pilot back, the magician begins describing the image and immediately begins drawing it right in front of the spectators eyes!

The handwritten drawing you create matches the number, image, symbol, or object the spectator is thinking of!

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

Magic & Mentalism / Phone, Apps & eTricks