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MINT 1968 Annotated
by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

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MINT 1968 Annotated by Edward Marlo & Wesley James
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The Annotated MINT series continues. Thanks to Ed Marlo and Wesley James, MINT III, IV, V, VI, and Annotated MINT 1963 through 1967 are already available. The release of this volume, Annotated MINT 1968, takes yet another step toward the availability of the entire run of Marlo In New Tops material with Wesley's extensive annotations, and his Supplemental and Bonus additions. The material that fills this volume is both unique and exceptional. The volume includes 10 Marlo articles. It also includes 12 of Wesley's effects/routines, plus numerous added touches, and extensive Notes, as well as corrections and clarifications.

In some respects, 1968 was typical of Marlo's New Tops contributions. There is sophisticated technique, in the form of Ed's "Beveled-Edge Second Deal," and "Illusionary Bottom Deal," but 1968 also introduces less advanced techniques. So, the ten articles don't lack technique. As an example, look at Ed's crucial work on the Drop Sleight.

However, 1968 seems to be driven by an agenda. Ed was on a mission, pursuing Ace Vanish techniques. Three of the articles are aimed at that goal: Marlo's Logic, Elm-K-B-EJ- Ace Vanishes, and Latest Ace Vanishes. Each of these offers useful technical approaches that can be readily employed. Collectively, they may provide all the small packet Ace Vanish techniques you're ever likely to need. If you're an Ace Assemblies fan, this volume will give you a well-packed toolbox.

The other articles in 1968 include More Deuce Sandwiches, Cards Tossed into the Deck as locators (P.D. Mental Stab), and a rather pretty, and certainly startling Visual Change-Appearance-Vanish. The Mental Stab has the advantage of making it nearly impossible to miss. The Visual Change, while bold, has far greater laymen impact than you might expect.

Despite Ed's Ace Vanish affection, 1968 was a well-balanced year. I can safely state that if you read these articles, you'll find material you can use, and should use. That's a damn good collection of material from one man in one year.

If you truly want to understand, benefit from, and incorporate Marlo's material as only those who knew him well have, these are books you'll want to own and will treasure for many years. In tribute to Ed Marlo, Wesley wanted these volumes to offer much more, hence his annotations, clarifications, corrections - both logical and grammatic - plus Wesley's insightful personal Notes. Many of those Notes are complimentary, some critical, but all are informative.

As Wesley has often stated, "One can't perform card magic without a tip of the hat to Ed Marlo." Wesley's friend of more than 25 years, Ed Marlo inspired a wealth of material that Wesley has developed, massaged, enhanced, and adapted through his extensive performance experience. Among Wesley's creations are full routines inspired by Marlo techniques, built on Marlo foundations, and routines - many for the first time in any source.

If you're devoted to card magic, you need to own these volumes and study them closely. The combination of clarified Marlo material, Wesley's Notes, and the original Wesley James routines create and should continue to enhance Marlo's legacy for those that absorb them, and students of Wesley James material will want to explore his material in depth.

If you already own MINT III through VI, and Annotated MINT 1963 through 1967, you'll now be able to expand your file of Marlo In New Tops with more than flat text. At the same time, you'll add to your collection of Wesley James' creations, and benefit from his detailed descriptions, analysis, and historical perspective. Rarely have volumes offered so much to those who are serious about their card magic. Some of what you'll read is easy while some is more technically challenging, but it's all been made practical so you can add it to your repertoire.

The entire collection, plus corrected illustrations, and Wesley plentiful added Notes and bonus material are all in this volume. The ebook price is just $40 and, as you'll see from the Table of Contents below, you'll want to learn all it offers.

Don't wait to be blown away by this mix of older Marlo material and Wesley's insightful Notes and cutting-edge creations. It's all here for you now.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Table of Contents
  • Drop Sleight Technique-Vol. 8, No.1, January 1968
    • Double Stop (Marlo's Drop Sleight)
    • The Four Ace Stop
    • An Observation
  • WJ on Drop Sleight Technique
    • The Jamesbury Sell
  • Visual Change - Appearance - Vanish-Vol. 8, No. 2, February 1968
  • WJ on Visual Change - Appearance - Vanish
    • Reset Wild Card
      • Change 1
      • Change 2
      • Change 3
      • Change 4
      • Change 5
      • Reset Phase
  • The Illusionary Bottom Deal-Vol. 8, No. 3, March 1968
  • WJ on The Illusionary Bottom Deal
    • Jesse James Card Trick
      • The Charlier Shuffle
  • P.D. Mental Stab-Vol. 8, No. 4, April 1968
  • WJ on P.D. Mental Stab
    • The Spectator's Mental Stab
  • More Deuce Sandwiches-Vol 8, No. 5, May 1968
    • 1st Method
    • 2nd Method
    • 3rd Method
    • 4th Method
    • 5th Method
    • 6th Method
    • 7th Method
      • First Method
      • Second Method
      • Third Method
  • WJ on More Deuce Sandwiches
    • Ham and Ace Sandwich
  • Marlo's Logic-Vol. 8, No 7, July 1968
  • WJ on Marlo's Logic
  • Beveled-Edge Second Deal-Vol 8, No 8, August 1968
  • WJ on the Beveled-Edge Second Deal
    • Dead Thumb Fake-out
    • Dead Thumb Fake-out I
    • Push-Thru Handling
    • Dead Thumb Fake-out II
  • Elm-K-B-EJ - Ace Vanishes, -Vol 8, No 9, September 1968
  • WJ on Elm--K-B-EJ - Ace Vanishes
  • The Fake Pickup-Vol. 8, No. 10, October 1968
  • WJ on Fake Pick Up
    • Modified Fake Pick up
  • Latest Ace Vanishes-Vol. 8, No. 12, December 1968
  • WJ on Latest Ave Vanishes
    • WJ's Modified Mexican Monte
    • Modified Mexican Monte II
    • Any Cards Mental Force
  • In Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Index

1st edition 2023, PDF 88 pages.
word count: 37529 which is equivalent to 150 standard pages of text

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