This is part two in the "Modus Operandi" series. It continues with chapter 5.
- Chapter Five. Card Magic For The Platform
- The "Perfect" Torn And Rising Card
- Tickets, Please
- "Stop"
- The Imaginary Aces
- The Jumbo Card Guillotine
- Chapter Six. The "Lewis" Utility Lift Tray
- How To Build The "Lewis" Lift Tray
- Methods Of Concealing The Lift
- The "Slam-Thru" Glass Of Milk Penetration
- Another "Magic" Welding
- "Vanibowl"
- "He Go - He Come Back"
- Chapter Seven. Conjuring With Cubes
- The Escaping Cube
- The Tantalising Tubes
- British - Always On Top
- The Repeating Die Through Hat
- Chapter Eight. More Miscellaneous Magic
- The Casket Of Boxes
- A Candid Camera Study
- Telephone Directory Mentality
- Old Rags
- Swing Time
The first part is here: Modus Operandi 1.
1st edition 1944; PDF 55 pages.
word count: 24032 which is equivalent to 96 standard pages of text