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Molecule Madness
by Graham Hey

#2 Comedy Magic author
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Molecule Madness by Graham Hey

Two cards (2 x Queen of Spades) are shown to a spectator, who is then handed an "invisible card" the 9 of Hearts. The spectator throws the invisible card towards the magician who is going to catch it between the two queens. The spectator does this and the 9 of hearts instantly appears between them! Then, whenever the magician wants, the 9 of hearts vanishes - only to turn up in another location. This is a great self-working effect that gets great reactions.

You'll need to make the gimmick with a couple of things most magicians will already possess. It'll take you just five minutes and requires a tiny bit of arts and crafts.

The PDF contains written instructions and links to perform and construct the gimmick.

1st edition 2022, PDF 4 pages, video 5:31.
word count: 879 which is equivalent to 3 standard pages of text

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Magic & Mentalism / Cards / Self-Working or Sleightless

Magic & Mentalism / Cards / Gaffed