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My Creepy Card
by Biagio Fasano

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My Creepy Card by Biagio Fasano

The title of this eBook hides its inspiration ... The effect is totally impromptu, self-working, quick and easy to perform (only eight cards are used), does not require any kind of card magic technique, and introduces the spectator to the possibility of secretly choosing whether to lie or tell the truth in response to the few questions that the mentalist will ask him during the experiment. In spite of all this, a merely thought-out card will be punctually found at the end of the experiment.

Noting the possible whispering in the room (especially if there are fellow magicians present, I say this from experience), the mentalist decides to contravene a fundamental rule and offers to repeat the experiment a second time, perhaps choosing one of these very people.

Despite the fact that the viewer thought he had recognized (at least in part) the mentalist's method, the latter will disprove him, performing the first passages in the opposite way to the previous one. Moreover, just when the spectator thinks he has understood the trick, he will be disproved again by the last passage and the immediate revelation of the card in the declared corresponding position!

No faro or anti-faro or Monge shuffles, or any other complicated moves. This mentalistic effect is also suitable for beginners: you just need to know how to deal cards and cut the deck, and the impact on the audience will be amazing.

1st edition 2023, PDF 9 pages.
word count: 3434 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text