$5(1 review, 11 customer ratings) ★★★★★
#2 in Coins, Chips & Buttons top-rated
#2 in Video clips (download) top-rated
This is a simple coins across that can be done with any type of coins. Ideally you want to do this with at least six or more coins. All you need to be able to do is a thumb palm.
length 4:06 min explanation; 2:50 min performance
Reviewed by David Dunlap (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★ Date Added: Friday 13 May, 2022This is one of the most baffling pieces of coin magic that you will ever perform and one of the easiest. I did this for the local magic club and everyone was just floored. No one could figure out what I was doing. They all thought I was using shells or flipper coins. Get the video. It is the best money you’ll have spent all year.