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Noon Stack by Unknown Mentalist

The Noon Stack is the only stack in the world with three official names. It is also called the Midnight Deck or the Moon Stack. You can either start learning this stack exactly at 12 noon or exactly at 12 midnight, any day.

Okay, on a more serious note, Noon Stack is a simple algorithmic stack that forms a nice memorized deck. Given a card, you can know its position and given a position, you can know the card at that position. And literally speaking, if you start learning this stack at 12 noon (or 12 midnight), you can completely get this down in less than an hour by about 1 pm (or 1 am). It is very easy to learn and use, as you will see in this ebook.

From 12 noon to 1 pm as the time passes, the noon stack memorized deck gets created step by step almost as if in a predestined manner. The Noon Stack occurs twice a day, obviously - at 12 noon and at 12 midnight - you can choose your time, noon or midnight, to learn this surprising stack.

This is a tetradistic stack with a random-looking spread of both values and suits. The underlying concept or principle of Noon Stack is very novel and innovative. Nothing like this is known to have been used in the history of stack magic so far.

1st edition 2023, PDF 12 pages.
word count: 2588 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text