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by Avik Dutta


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Oblivion by Avik Dutta

Ever wanted to read minds of others in a hassle-free way? There have been hundreds of excellent methods in existence for extracting thoughts from people's minds. Mentalists have been "nailing" the thoughts of others, "tearing" into others' brains, having a "peek" into peoples' minds for a long time now. Imagine what it would be like if there's no need to resort to such methods. Imagine what it would be like if you are looking for the information just where you need to look? Here's something revolutionary for you.

Imagine requesting a spectator to take part in a demonstration on Thought Projection. You ask her to think of anything under the sun, anything she wishes to think. It's your turn now to extract the thought from her mind. Who's the only person on this planet who knows exactly what the spectator is thinking? It's the spectator herself. What would it be like if the spectator herself reveals her thought to you? This is exactly what's written above. I repeat, your spectator herself tells you what she thought; still you take all the credits for reading her mind.

And above all, she won't remember that she herself ever told you what she was thinking...

This is Oblivion.

1st edition 2013, 7 pages.
word count: 2822 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text