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Ode to Ekman: A Seamless Psychological Illusion
by Sean Waters


(2 reviews, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Ode to Ekman: A Seamless Psychological Illusion by Sean Waters

Five audience members are asked to concentrate on one of six universal emotions. The performer reveals each person's emotion with a knowledge of "micro-expressions".

The last participant is asked to remain on stage for a final experiment. Although she does not know how, she demonstrates an even more impressive, uncanny intuitive ability.

Best of All: No one knows how and everyone is equally amazed. Honest!

1st edition 2008; 58 pages plus additional artwork.

Reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Monday 08 May, 2017

This is a pro routine in several phases. As previously mentioned, there are no new methods, but I like the reading-body-language aspect of the performance a lot, though the last phase requiring some pre-show is not really for me. The ebook is extremely well written with performance patter, side-bar tips, and variations. It's everything you'd ever want about performing this effectively. (Other authors could use this ebook as a style model.) I realize that the price is to scare away amateurs, but on an objective basis comparing it to similar routines, this is overpriced.

Reviewed by Raymond Doetjes (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 09 October, 2008

This ebook described a very entertaining psychological effect. Even though the methods are far from new -- but who cares, it's what you do with it. The author has re-arranged these methods into a thrilling 3 stage psychological routine. I like the climax but altered it by combining Doug Segal's BBTLS method to create an even bigger "wow" factor and involve the audience.