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by Sean Waters


(1 review, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Contemplations by Sean Waters

Contemplations - A Series of Thoughts in Action

This is my second compilation of mental effects.

Contemplations is a 100+ page PDF ebook, which contains seven routines, five essays and a "bonus" ideas section. In this lengthy ebook, you will learn how to affect the mind-body connection, solve crimes with your mental abilities, teach people how to access their subconscious clock (with a wristwatch) and how to control people's minds with three words. The secrets of "real" mind reading with dollar bills and the ability to use your fingertips to sense the colors of playing cards, are revealed. Most importantly, there are a number of essays that challenge us to think about the plausibility of our routines, how to improve rapport and that include practice techniques befitting a mentalist. I am truly proud of these ideas and I am confident that you will be pleased. That is my sincere hope.

  • REFLEXOLOGY: In this routine, the performer will affect people's thoughts by pressing their palms. This is a great alternative for palm reading, but shares the intimacy and intrigue.
  • HORSESHOES & HAND-GRENADES: An essay on using methods with the possibility of failure.
  • THE SANDS OF TIME: This is a unique watch prediction presentation. The routine answers some of Sean's problems with this type of effect.
  • THE DC TECHNIQUE: A method for improving rapport and improving one's life.
  • ELEMENTARY: An after dinner mystery. This routine is a thought-of person revelation, packaged as a crime solving routine. It's fun.
  • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE: Use what you’ve got.
  • HAND OUT is a "how many fingers" am I holding up routine.
  • MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE: This routine explains a way to have pictures or images appear in people's mind (even when they are asked to stop thinking of them), by just speaking three words.
  • AS IF: The mentalist’s tool
  • ILLUMINATI: is a serial number effect that utilizes intrinsic features of a bill and some genuine psychological methods. This is simple to do, hard to explain.
  • REGARDING ROPE: A parable
  • BEYOND TOUCH: This is a three stage color sensing (with fingertips) routine that has a structure that Sean is truly proud of. This is an easy and powerful close-up presentation. While this uses cards, it is a truly "psychic themed" effect and should not be performed with any other card effects. It speaks for itself.
  • THE EXTRA MILE: Bonus material... some fun and powerful ideas.
1st edition 2008; 126 pages.
word count: 31230 which is equivalent to 124 standard pages of text

Reviewed by McAig
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 01 January, 2009

A very interesting ebook, a mixture of mentalist effects, dodges / subtleties to enhance various effects (Sean mentions the effects that he 'adds' them on to, but they are also things you can take and make applicable to your own work), and essays. This gains more depth on each read-through, and the contents overall have lots to commend them. The effects are very good ('Beyond Touch' is particularly impressive in my opinion, but it is by no means the only good one), the mechanisms are well thought out and not hard technically, everything is explained well. The style of writing is fluid and clear. Bought at the end of the 2008, it is definitely one of the best things I bought all year. A really good read, and lots of thought-provoking ideas.