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Patrick Page's Cards to Pocket
by Lewis Ganson


(5 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Patrick Page's Cards to Pocket by Lewis Ganson

Like ghosts they pass up the sleeve and into the pocket.

From the introduction:

This routine has all the ingredients to delight the discerning performer, the effect is excellent and although it conforms generally to the classical version of "The Cards to Pocket", it has that dash of variation that makes it novel. The method is easy to perform, so easy that one wonders why many more have not thought of obviating the palming just as Patrick Page has done. It's a fine example of using subtle moves in place of sleight of hand; indeed only one simple move is used throughout and yet the effect is not lessened, in fact many will consider that it is enhanced as the hand that removes cards from the pocket is seen to be empty at all times before it enters the pocket. There is an addition to the usual theme in the form of a "Six Card Repeat" variation which is incorporated into the routine.

1st edition 1981, 4 pages; 1st digital edition 2017, 8 pages.
word count: 3466 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text