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Personal Secrets
by Harry Lorayne


(1 review, 10 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Personal Secrets by Harry Lorayne

This was Harry's second book on card magic where he reveals several of his best routines.

From the introduction:

The effects and routines you’ll find here are some that I purposely left out of my first book on cards, Close-Up Card Magic. Frankly, I had intended to keep them to myself. However, the response to Close-Up Card Magic has been so overwhelming and Lou Tannen has been so persuasive—that I finally acquiesced to putting these in print. That’s the reason for the title, P.S. This is really just an addenda to Close-Up Card Magic.

  • Foreword
  • Four Of A Kind
  • Red and Black Fantasy
  • Four More
  • Leap Frog
  • Magician Vs. Gambler
  • Color Quickie
  • Revers-All
  • The Fantastic Card Square
  • Ten Card Puzzler

1st edition 1964, 51 pages; 1st digital edition 2015, 50 pages.
word count: 17535 which is equivalent to 70 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Chet Cox
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 19 November, 2015

Long ago, I picked this up from Harry - in physical form. You already know that Harry Lorayne is an international treasure, and we're VERY lucky to have this available for a mere $5. There are at least four different, fairly easy effects in here that you can't wait to learn and perform. There is at least one which, even though I've read it and know how it's "done," fooled me when Richard O. presented it to my wife & me. This isn't "card magic." This is magic that happens to use cards.

*jeep! and God Bless!
