This effect is a variation of an effect called ACAT (Any Card At Any Time), extracted from CLUE ebook. It can be presented with playing cards, or special cards (like the Vernet PSImbol deck, or movies (like Directors's cut or Screen test), French postcards, etc.), or just with blank index cards or your own business cards (with drawings,
symbols, words, numbers, etc. on the back). It is not a card trick, but rather a mystery or paradox.
It is hands-off, automatic, self-working, can be done over the phone or sight unseen, stand up, close up or stage (with jumbo cards). It is easy, practical, and allows flexible patter and presentation.
Despite its simplicity, it consistently and repeatedly fooled magicians and laymen.
Basic effect:
You show a piece of paper or an agenda opened at the current day, with your timetable for the day, and hand it to the participant. A deck of cards is borrowed and shuffled by a participant. She thinks of her favorite time of the day and secretly looks at the card. She then looks at your schedule and reads it. For instance, it says you wake up at 6 am, start work at 8 am, have lunch at twelve, finish work at 4 pm (your favorite time of day), etc. The participant counts the cards for every time stated in advance on your schedule, and also for her secret favorite time of day. DESPITE THE FACT THAT SHE COULD HAVE THOUGHT OF ANY TIME, and that you do not even know it, the final card will ALWAYS be her card!
Some examples of presentations are given:
- Predestination
- The lucky hour
- The mystery of time and space
- The cinema festival
- Happy hour all day long
1st edition 2016, 24 pages.word count: 2735 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text