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Wallet Brain Knewmerology
by Unknown Mentalist

#2 Mentalism & Spiritism author

(3 reviews, 7 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Wallet Brain Knewmerology by Unknown Mentalist

If you own Sensory Brain Knewmerology or buy along with this, you can get this ebook for half price.

Just 3 cards for you to carry in your wallet or pocket. One mystic card, one emotional card and one funny card. All are business card size. All are pre-written (or pre-printed if you so wish.) And you are ready to perform anytime, anywhere to anyone.

You can, at a moment's notice, entertain a single person or a small group by involving up to 6 participants.

Completely self working. Instant repeatable with different outcomes. Nothing to reset. Easy to perform. No stooges. No sleights. No preshow.

The main routine is flexible enough to be performed from one minute up to ten minutes as per need. And provides great scope for you to leave your business card with the participants as a souvenir.

A big highlight here is the special content on the 3 cards. Although the basic DNA belongs to the Brain Knewmerology family, this is completely and innovatively adapted as a wallet/pocket routine.

In addition to the main routine, SEVEN other variations are explained.

Indicative images are provided for clarity.

1st edition 2016, 24 pages.
word count: 4142 which is equivalent to 16 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Prof Max (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 03 March, 2016

Wallet BK is yet another example of creative innovation. This series has seen an extremely thorough and practical treatment of a simple math principle - which now looks like a multi-purpose Swiss army knife. I heartily commend the author on building an edifice out of practically nothing. This and Coin'cidence will now be the top 2 effects out of my wallet.

Reviewed by Mind Legend (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 27 February, 2016

I am loving this series. Each release adding to the whole with synergy. I never imagined there could be so much 'juice' in just one single principle. Now this wallet/pocket version packs a punch. Very much suits the phrase 'packs small, plays big'. Coming to think of it, this entire series qualifies to match that phrase. Very useful worker material, well done.

Reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 19 February, 2016

still playing around with art work for suitable back ground for the cards but even if done just as the author presents it, It is a great practical pocket effect always ready to perform