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Principles and Deceptions (Duffie)
by Peter Duffie


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Principles and Deceptions (Duffie) by Peter Duffie

An easy trip through the arithmetical principles of card magic.

This ebook covers two Rusduck principles first published in The Cardiste plus other principles from Gilbreath, Hummer & Gene Finnell. The principles are explained in easy-to-understand language, along with problems for the reader to solve with the solutions given and tricks to do. Plus notes from Roy Walton and others.

This six-part series originally appeared in Profile magazine bimonthly from April 1993 to February 1994.

There is also a bonus item in this ebook: Dave Campbell's Automatic Speller.

1st edition 1993-1994; 18 pages
word count: 9387 which is equivalent to 37 standard pages of text