It's a devilishly clever method with four different presentations. You'll likely think of several more. There's a You-Do-As-I-Do effect, a Card Climax, a Phone Miracle, and Scarne's Best Prediction. No sleights. Simple, sure, and direct. Can be worked surrounded by spectators and dead easy to perform. All you require is the instructions, as no gimmicks are used. Use anyone's cards.
If you think that the pandemic is limiting your performance opportunities, you'll especially like Scarne's Phone Miracle. All you need is a spectator with a smartphone or landline. And, unlike virtually every other telephone card trick, no accomplices are used.
Printed instructions make the principle and effects easy to understand and perform. But don't just take our word for it. Read what some of the best minds in magic have to say about this manuscript:
"It's new, it's practical, it's automatic and it's certainly worth the price." - J. G. Thompson, Jr.
Scarne's Phone Miracle [included in this manuscript] is an ideal publicity routine." - Jack Lamonte
"The effects are true, Scarne knockouts, any one of which is worth considerably more than the entire manuscript. I had the pleasure of seeing Scarne work the four effects and can vouch for their effectiveness." - John J. Crimmins, Jr.
1st edition 1950, PDF 11 pages.
word count: 2554 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text