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Ralf Wichmann-Braco

Ralf Wichmann-Braco

(5th July 1949 - 31st December 2009)

Born in Berlin, Germany. Became interested in magic c1963, specializing in floating effects. Amateur magician in West Berlin, aka 'Braco' since early 1960s. Specializes in and collects floating effects.

Coauthors: Ted Lesley

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Ralf Wichmann-Braco
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 26: Zombie Schwebetechnick by Ralf Wichmann-Braco

Aus dem Vorwort:

Eine Revolution in der Zauberkunst - insbesondere in der Sparte der "Schwebenden Kugel" - bildet die ZOMBIE-Technik (optisch ist sie artverwandt mit der viel älteren "3. Hand").

    • Zombie-Gimmick
    • Schwebeobjekt
    • Sonstige Requisiten
    • Vorbereitung
    • Routine
    • 1. Die Kugel umkreist den Kopf
    • 2. Die Kugel umkreist den Körper
    • 3. Das Schweben der Kugel an den Tuchrändern
    • 4. Das Schweben der Kugel an einem festen Punkt
    • 5. Das Verschwinden der Kugel
    • 6. Die Schlußtour
Ralf Wichmann-Braco
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 3: Psychokinesis by Ralf Wichmann-Braco

Magnethypnose und deren Andwendung. Braco schildert hier eine ganze Reihe von Effekten, die mit diesem Hilfsmittel möglich sind.

  • Vorwort
  • Zubehör Und Technik
  • Magnethypnose
  • Tips Und Anregungen
  • Routinenvorschläge
  • Die Wünschelrute
  • Der Restaurierte Löffel
  • Münzen - Fühlen
  • Bewegende Gegenstände
  • Kunststücke mit dem Magneten
  • Literaturhinweise

Erstausgabe 1982; erste digitale Ausgabe 2017, 31 Seiten.

★★★★ $10
Ralf Wichmann-Braco
The Invisible Thread Manual or The String Book by Ralf Wichmann-Braco

Here are the real secrets of thread work. This ebook was originally published by the Berlin Magic Circle in a bilingual (German/English) edition, and in England it was sold and recommended by Ken Brooke. If you are prepared to spend the time learning some of the material in these pages you will have miracles at your fingertips. Braco and Finn Jon are the worldwide experts on invisible threads and floating routines.

This ebook also contains a special bonus: the full routine for Mike Danata's Floating Golden Stick. This is the best work on the subject still.

1st edition 1973 in bilingual (German/English)....

Ralf Wichmann-Braco & Ted Lesley
Hypnosis by Ralf Wichmann-Braco & Ted Lesley

An exciting, humorous routine, which combines subtle mentalism with magic! From the fertile mind of Ralf Wichmann-Braco - the German wizard who brought the world of magic some of the most pivotal work on the use of thread, this routine combines the elements of prediction, animation and great humor to stun the audience into believing that a felt tip marker has come to life inside a wooden box.

The magician brings out a wooden box, about the size of a small cigar humidor. He borrows an object from a spectator. The object is placed inside a small cardboard box. Then this box and a felt tip marker...

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