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Ted Lesley

Ted Lesley

(1st August 1937 - 24th October 2008)

He was born in Dueren in the Rheinland area of Germany. A teacher in the public school knew a few magic tricks which Ted enjoyed so much that from then on, he pursued magic as his hobby -- much to the sorrow of his parents who energetically demanded that he should learn 'something proper.' So Ted Lesley first became an accountant and later, in Berlin, a tax consultant.

At this time, there was a well known night club, the 'Red Rose,' in Berlin. Ted Lesley visited it every night, especially if a conjurer was appearing there. Here he became acquainted with some very famous artists in this field, who gave him countless tips for what was then his hobby. Among these were such famous names as Dany Ray and Marvyn Roy, who performed for years at the Lido in Paris.

One day, the famous film director, Ottokar Runze, required Ted's help for an audit. On the occasion of the discussion of the audit, Ted's magic worked its wonders on the director so well, that on the spot, he offered him a major role in his film 'The Lord of Barmbeck.' Immediately after the film work, Ted gave up his profession in order to 'tread the boards which portray the world.'

Ted worked almost any type of venue - at conventions, in clubs and in hotels.

In 1992, Ted was designated 'Mentalist of the Year' with the 'Dunninger Award' in the USA. This was the first time this coveted 'Oscar' of mental magic had been awarded to a European artist. In 1993, the 'Magischer Zirkel von Deutschland e. V.' (Magic Circle of Germany) named Ted Lesley 'writer of the year' for his book Mental Mind-Ups. In 1997, Ted received the 'Leslie P. Guest Award' from the SAM.

Coauthors: Ralf Wichmann-Braco, Eric Mason, David Britland

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★★★★ $30
Ted Lesley
Mind and Magic Magazine by Ted Lesley

This is the legendary magazine by Ted Lesley. It is filled with contributions by people such as Larry White, Phil Goldstein (aka Max Maven), Ken de Courcy, Banacheck, Paul Alberstat, Toni Forster, Larry Becker and others. Of course, also Ted's own creations are featured.

ISSUE 1 (July 1997)

  • The Editor Writes
  • The Bermuda Bottle (Larry White)
  • Personal Possessions (Ken de Courcy)
  • Just Chintz (Phil Goldstein)
  • Psychokinetic Banknight (Ted Lesley)
  • Aura-Prediction (Prof. Dr. Toni Forster)
ISSUE 2 (August 1997)
  • Editorial
  • Add-A-Riggs (John Riggs)
  • Geller For Dinner (Ken de Courcy)
  • Double-Decker (Mike Porstmann)
  • Terry Goes Mental...
Ted Lesley
Entertaining Mentalism for Professionals (German) by Ted Lesley
  • Der Conradi-Seiltrick
  • Die Unsichtbare Spielkarte
  • Die Berliner Bären
  • Löcher, Löcher, Nichts als Löcher
  • Tips, Tricks und Praktische Ideen für den Mentalisten
  • Der Billett-Umschlag
  • Teleport Plust
Erstklassige, effektstarke und direkte Kunststücke für professionell arbeitende Künstler. Ted Lesley erklärt ausgewählte Mental- und Zauberkunststücke:

Conradi Seiltrick: Ein Zuschauer zerschneidet ein 6-7 Meter langes Seil in der Mitte. Die beiden einwandfrei als zerschnitten vorgezeigten Hälften werden zusammengeknotet. Der Knoten verschwindet langsam und sichtbar. Das Seil...

Ted Lesley
Mind and Magic Miracles (German) by Ted Lesley

Ted Lesleys Seminarklassiker mit großartigen Ideen für den Mentalkünstler. Das PDF enthält die genaue Erklärung vieler Kunststücke und Prinzipien, vom Daumenschreiber bis zur Mentaltafel, die ein Mentalkünstler für die Bühne benötigt. Hier ist ein Auszug:

  • Stacked Deck
  • Daumenschreibereien
  • Decisions! Decisions!
  • Dream Deck Kombination
  • Hello
  • Mr. Bill Tube
  • Kismet Combination
  • David Hoy's Sensation
  • The Working Performer's Marked Deck
  • Gedanken zu Premonition
  • Meine Version von Eddie Joseph's New Premonition
  • Slate-Sational
Dieses Seminar war lange nicht zu erhalten und wurde vollkommen überarbeitet....
★★★★ $10
Ted Lesley & Eric Mason & David Britland
Ted Lesley's Working Performer's Marked Deck Manual by Ted Lesley & Eric Mason & David Britland

"I must congratulate you on producing the most readable 'Reader' deck I have ever seen." - Billy McComb

"A bold yet deceptive marking system that reveals the cards as fast as you can glance at them. An absolute boon to the professional performer." - Larry Becker

"Your marking idea is brilliant. It is quite the cleverest idea that I have seen in a marked deck for magicians." - Jeff Busby

"It is the first marked deck I have seen that is practical for the performing magician, your deck indeed makes miracles with cards so very easy congratulations." - Marvin Roy

Ted Lesley of Germany devised the Working Performer's...

★★★★★ $15
Ted Lesley
Top Secret Prediction Chest Mystery by Ted Lesley

A classic Ted Lesley headline prediction mystery:

  • no expensive gimmicks (everything can easily and cheaply be made at home)
  • not stooges (strictly a one man effect)
  • no billet knives or visible gimmicks
  • clean and devastating effect
The Effect:

A chest with a prediction in it, is mailed to the place of performance two weeks prior to the performance date. The committee gives the chest to the mayor or the chief of police to guard. They try to tie up with the local media for publicity coverage.

On the night of the performance the chest is brought to the theater where it is opened by...

Ted Lesley
Credit-Card Card Trick by Ted Lesley

A borrowed credit-card vanishes and reappears between the layers of a marked playing card.

Effect: (Basic routine)

A credit-card is borrowed from a member of the audience. It is put into an envelope. The envelope is destroyed. Another spectator is asked to come forward to the working area or on the stage. He selects a card from a normal deck of playing cards and marks it with his name. The card vanishes out of the deck and is found in a sealed envelope.


★★★★★ $10
Ted Lesley
Minimax Lecture by Ted Lesley

Ted Lesley's philosophy on magic has always been: A minimum amount of effort for a maximum amount of effect! Thus the title Minimax Lecture.

  • A Rising Card Idea
  • Mental Routines with the TL Faked Envelope
  • Black Mental Marvel
  • Another Mind Reading Idea
  • Ted Serios Outdone
  • The Fastest Card Trick in the World
  • My Adventures with the Himber Ring
  • My Encore

13 pages

Ted Lesley
The Cards Never Lie! by Ted Lesley


Devised by Ted Lesley in association with Ken de Courcy this may be the first close-up Tarot and Zodiac act. Not a single effect but an entire act.

Merely describing the effects does not do justice to the routine however we'll do our best...Telling spectators that cards and numbers play a part in their lives, the performer tells them that his diary contains a list of 'lucky' cards and numbers, a different combination of card and number is set against each date.

A lady is asked to think of her birthday and is shown a pack of cards bearing Zodiac signs. Upon...

★★★★ $10

Ted Lesley
Ted Lesley's Working Performer's Marked Deck (refill) by Ted Lesley

This is a sheet of custom-made white rub-on transfer numbers, characters and symbols. This is exactly what you need to make several Ted Lesley Working Performer's Marked Decks - or other similar decks like the Boris Wild Marked Deck. (The cards you have to supply yourself.)

Please note that you do NOT acquire the right to make and sell Ted Lesley marked decks with these transfers. They are for personal use only.

This marking system is considered the very best by many professionals. It combines super easy and reliable reading of the markings - which is crucial for real-world under-pressure performances - with...

Ralf Wichmann-Braco & Ted Lesley
Hypnosis by Ralf Wichmann-Braco & Ted Lesley

An exciting, humorous routine, which combines subtle mentalism with magic! From the fertile mind of Ralf Wichmann-Braco - the German wizard who brought the world of magic some of the most pivotal work on the use of thread, this routine combines the elements of prediction, animation and great humor to stun the audience into believing that a felt tip marker has come to life inside a wooden box.

The magician brings out a wooden box, about the size of a small cigar humidor. He borrows an object from a spectator. The object is placed inside a small cardboard box. Then this box and a felt tip marker...

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