A 77-page overview and discussion of the perennially popular Magic Square and some of its family. Variations, tricks and applications aplenty. Simple, practical and workable stuff. No complex formulas required. Nothing beyond low doses of basic arithmetic.
- Squaretro
- Squareone
- Altra Square
- Altratoo
- Instant
- Alternative Instant
- Altra-La-La-La-Lee
- Patterns
- Place That Number
- Duplexing
- Fromto
- Howtosquare
- Howsquare
- Squaretooit
- Colour Me Square
- Squarefect
- Squarecast
- Origeightor
- Origeightors Creed
- Origeightor Plus
- Crossing Outlines
- Four-ther-more
- Graphive
- Graphorward
- Sevensquared
- Working Weak
- Irrational Lottery
- Deep Backward Square
- Maximum
- Squaredial
- Before The Fire
- Outresquare
1st edition 2002, 77 pages.
word count: 17478 which is equivalent to 69 standard pages of text