$2(1 customer rating) ★★★★★
Hello, magician friends around the world...The new issue of TGM is ready! Welcome back to the pages of TGM - volume Four, issue Three. Read the contents of this 'labor of the love' below and you are sure to run for it. This issue is a staggering collection of articles, magic effects (I hate the word 'trick' - magicians do 'magic' whereas 'tricks' are done by the 'tricksters'), photo quiz, jokes, cartoons, news and views and more.
- Solyl Says is simply tittle-tattles. However, here Ken de Courcy talks on Close-up magic
- Past Glory of India - Roy the Mystic recounted by Saileshwar Mukherjee.
- Magic as Entertainment by Harold Taylor - another interesting installment
- A Show to Remember! by Don Wiberg - read what past IBM Int'l President says...
- MagicIan Adair Column - a chit-chat and magic column by Ian Adair of U.K
- TheMagiXposed section is full of exciting magic - 'meats' for all...
- A Fire without Damage by P.K. Ilango is an exceptional close-up effect.
- ALL ALIKE by Aldo Colombini is a great card caper for close-up entertainers.
- New Deck Trick(s) by Guy M. Townsend is another interesting effect with Townsend Touch!
- THE TRIO - My 3 Paddle Tricks by Gora Datta - "gems" for the DIY enthusiasts.
- 21st Century Torn & Restored Card by Solyl Kundu - the title says the effect.
- Glimpse From Peek & Control by Fabian - This is exactly the same as expected from Aldo C.
- Miscellaneous section covers MagiCartoons, Photo Quiz, Gagging Around and more ...
- News and Views depicts the Magic happenings in India...
- A fine evening at Barisha Jadu Adda
- Old world magic still charms - Hindu - India's National Newspaper
- Magicians Association of Palakkad - National Magic Convention, 2015
- EDU MAGIC FEST: 2014 - 2015, Kolkata, West Bengal ...
- Clown - Magician of India
- Party Magician in action etc.
40 pages
word count: 13307 which is equivalent to 53 standard pages of text