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Scripted #11: Rising Card
by Larry Brodahl

#1 Patter, Plots & Scripts author
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Scripted #11: Rising Card by Larry Brodahl

A script and method for the Rising card trick where the spectator goes through the deck and selects the card to rise. Can be done within inches of the audience with no sleight of hand.

One of the more difficult tasks facing magicians is coming up with scripts - of any sort. A script that highlights the magic while still being relatable to the audience.

The effect is that the magician shuffles and then hands the spectator the deck of cards, while explaining that he's going to do a trick onehanded. The spectator HIMSELF removes one card and puts it face down on the table, and then gives the cards back to the magician. The magician fans the deck, inserts the chosen card into the middle of the deck, and then holds the deck perfectly squared in one hand.

He holds the deck near his face, and then...with one hand...and with all fingers exposed, and absolutely no motion of any sort, the chosen card slowly rises from the deck.

This ebook gives you every line, joke, piece of timing, setup, move, rationale and nuance of the routine.

1st edition 2017, 19 pages.
word count: 3039 which is equivalent to 12 standard pages of text

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Magic & Mentalism / Patter, Plots & Scripts

Magic & Mentalism / Cards / Rising & Levitating