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Secret Twitter
by Roberto Giobbi


(15 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Secret Twitter by Roberto Giobbi

Secret Twitter is now available as a PDF compilation. In addition you will get a readworthy introduction by Roberto. We have also added all replies to Roberto's daily tweets. Max Maven was the most vocal and opinionated one, but you will also get thoughts by Pit Hartling, Denis Behr, Ian Kendall and others.

What is Secret Twitter? If you are familiar with Roberto Giobbi's book Secret Agenda you can probably guess. Secret Twitter is a completely new and innovative way for Roberto to share his thoughts, comments, advice and insight with you - via Twitter.

For fourteen months, starting with November 1st 2014 and running until the last day of 2015, Roberto will make one tweet per day on the subject of magic. Before you think "how much can you say in a 140 character tweet" please read on. We have worked around the 140 character limit Twitter imposes. Rather than a regular tweet you will receive an image that holds Roberto's thought (see three examples below). Sometimes it is a paragraph of text. Sometimes an image or a combination of text and image. Whatever it is, Roberto is always thoughtful, insightful and compelling.

Secret Twitter Example 1

Secret Twitter Example 2

Secret Twitter Example 3

Roberto Giobbi's tweets are a mix of advice, information, presentational problems, thoughts, puzzles, activities, suggestions, comments, jokes, trivia, etc. You never know what you get with Roberto but it is always thought provoking. We hope that the Twitter format, the daily new tweet that you will be able to read, offers a new and interesting way to study what Roberto has to say. One tweet a day is short enough that it fits into the busiest schedule. Every day it is a surprise, a little treat for your brain. And should you miss a tweet you can always go back and find it in the timeline.

For those who do not want to use Twitter, even though you would not have to send out a single tweet or follow anybody beyond Roberto, you will be able to download a PDF that will hold all past tweets. This PDF will update every day. This means that you can participate and enjoy Secret Twitter by simply downloading the updated PDF whenever you want, monthly, weekly or even daily. At the end of 2015 when Secret Twitter concludes the PDF will hold all 400+ tweets.

Sign up now. You will receive instructions of how to follow Roberto Giobbi's Secret Twitter feed and how you can access the daily tweets in a PDF you download.

At the end of 2015 you will also be able to download a PDF that will collect all 400+ tweets and most likely a special preface and introduction by Roberto.

1st edition 2014, more than 400 pages.
word count: 22716 which is equivalent to 90 standard pages of text
