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★★★★ $29.90

Secret Twitter

Roberto Giobbi
Secret Twitter by Roberto Giobbi

Secret Twitter is now available as a PDF compilation. In addition you will get a readworthy introduction by Roberto. We have also added all replies to Roberto's daily tweets. Max Maven was the most vocal and opinionated one, but you will also get thoughts by Pit Hartling, Denis Behr, Ian Kendall and others.

What is Secret Twitter? If you are familiar with Roberto Giobbi's book Secret Agenda you can probably guess. Secret Twitter is a completely new and innovative way for Roberto to share his thoughts, comments, advice and insight with you - via Twitter.

For fourteen months, starting with November 1st 2014 and...

★★★★ $12

The Shadow Placement

Nick Conticello
The Shadow Placement by Nick Conticello

Here you will learn several stunning sleight-less card routines which are based on a principle that while not new, already Alex Elmsley and others before him have explored it, is brought to new prominence by Nick Conticello. Using this idea he has created stunning card routines that require no sleight of hand. Nevertheless, the occasional false cut or false shuffle can greatly enhance these pieces. Nick teaches an effective false cut, the Widdershins Cut.

  • The 23rd Card
  • The 28th Card
  • The Shadow Divination
  • The Widdershins Cut
  • The Three Predictions

1st edition 2014, 16 pages.

★★★★ $20

911 Summing

Chris Wasshuber
911 Summing by Chris Wasshuber

I rarely get to work on my own creations these days. 911 Summing is one of those rare occasions. It is an effect and method I have created more than 20 years ago. Both the effect and the method are to the best of my knowledge completely new and have never been published before.

This is a math effect I have had a lot of fun with. It can even be performed as puzzle challenge rather than a magic effect. I have performed this for people twice as smart as myself - engineers, scientists, researchers, professors - you name it. Not once has anybody figured out how it is done, even though, the principle...

★★★★ $30

The Color Change: the arcane art of transfiguration with playing cards

Crispin Sartwell
The Color Change: the arcane art of transfiguration with playing cards by Crispin Sartwell

"This is the best compilation of Color Changes to date. I know this because I've been collecting color changes for the last ten years myself. I applaud his research and thoroughness. It is well organized and coherent." - Jon Racherbaumer

"Crispin Sartwell has produced a well-written treatment of color changes that is the first of its kind. An important contribution to the art of magic and a must-have resource for every card handler." - Jerry Cestkowski (The Flourishman)

"As a professional magician for 36 years, I have been constantly told that my simply done but highly effective color change done at the outset of the one stage card...

★★★★ $39.50

The Big Book of Rising Cards

Claude Klingsor
The Big Book of Rising Cards by Claude Klingsor

This is the most beautiful magic book ever published! I know, this is a pretty strong claim, but read on and judge for yourself.

"I've just had a chance to spend a couple of hours with this book. Wow, Chris. This is an amazing book. Not only does it look incredible, it is of immense historic value." - Ben Harris

"A terrific work, a must have for anybody who thinks of him- or herself as a magician." - Max M.

Before I tell you why I am convinced this is the most beautiful magic book ever published, allow me to give you a bit of history on how this book came to be.

In 1954 Claude Klingsor...

★★★★★ $22
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PDF & softcover

Ask Roberto Giobbi

Roberto Giobbi
Ask Roberto Giobbi by Roberto Giobbi

This is a totally unique book. 52 reader supplied questions. 52 opinionated, informed, expert answers by Roberto Giobbi. Roberto spent often several days to thoroughly answer each of the 52 questions. It is no wonder that this ebook has more than 330 regular sized pages. It is a publication unlike any other, where the readers gave the direction which the author followed.

Download a free extract.

The 52 questions asked and answered:

  1. Injog Overhand Shuffle
  2. Presentation Ideas
  3. How to Study
  4. Staystack
  5. Fear of starting to perform
  6. Three Card Monte
  7. Memorized version of Out of Sight Out...
★★★★★ $25

Knight's Tour: With Free Choice of Start and End

Chris Wasshuber
Knight's Tour: With Free Choice of Start and End by Chris Wasshuber

"I will sum up your Knight's Tour routine as follows, IT IS BRILLIANT!" - David Burmeister

In the late 1980s I developed a method for the Knight's Tour which allows a spectator a truly free choice for the starting square and ending square of opposite color (same color start and end is mathematically impossible).

This manuscript describes in detail this method. The method attempts to minimize memorization and teaches you a system to derive a proper complete tour on the spot. The method is so flexible that you can find several different tours for one pair of start and end points. Of...

★★★★★ $39

Samuel Cox Hooker and his Rising Cards

Chris Wasshuber
Samuel Cox Hooker and his Rising Cards by Chris Wasshuber

Dr. Samuel Cox Hooker's Rising Cards have been an unexplainable fascination for nearly a century. Hooker first showed his effect in 1914, and in 1993 and 2007 John Gaughan gave abbreviated performances. Nobody who has seen the Hooker Rising Cards performed has ever been able to explain how such effects can be accomplished. This includes the most notable and most knowledgeable magicians from past and present. How can, from a borrowed and shuffled deck, any card called for rise in the fairest possible manner on a well lit stage only a few feet from the spectators?

This work is not just about...