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Secrets of Ventriloquism
by Robert W. Doidge

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Secrets of Ventriloquism by Robert W. Doidge

From the introduction:

These instructions are based on the methods used by many artists who have become eminently successful in the field of ventriloquism and who, like yourself, had to get their start from such textbooks as were available. I have been told on numerous occasions by both amateurs and professionals that they received their first instructions in the art from La Vellma's Vaudeville Ventriloquism, of which I was co-author and published in 1920. Dealers who listed this book, now out of print, for years recommended it as the standard textbook on ventriloquism and they have repeatedly asked for a new edition. Finally, after really getting around to doing something about it, I decided to prepare a more comprehensive coverage of the subject and include many helpful suggestions based on the actual experiences of self-taught and successful performers or compiled from voluminous data acquired from all over the world during thirty odd years of collecting every available book or article on the art that came to my attention.

  • Introduction
  • The Secret Of Ventriloquism
  • The Dummy
  • Breathing Exercises
  • The Distant Voice
  • Voice Throwing
  • Voice, Animal And Other Imitations
  • Singing And Recitations
  • Lip, Mouth And Muscle Control
  • The Natural Voice
  • The Dummy’s Voice
  • Conversational Practice With Dummy
  • The Dialogue
  • Trick Effects
  • Stage Television And Radio
  • Advertising And Publicity
1st edition 1949, 19 pages; 1st digital edition 2015, 18 pages.
word count: 6435 which is equivalent to 25 standard pages of text
