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Vaudeville Ventriloquism
by David J. Lustig & Robert W. Doidge

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Vaudeville Ventriloquism by David J. Lustig & Robert W. Doidge

From the Preface:

This book was written with an object in view. Namely to set right the many folks who have voiced a desire to become ventriloquists but after reading books on the subject have been at a loss just how to go about studying this fascinating art. The lessons arranged in this work are framed so that anyone possessing good vocal chords and who are willing to devote the necessary time and patience to studying the art can become ventriloquial entertainers. The authors know that everything found in this work is practical and trust those interested will profit by the contents of the book.

1st edition 1920. 31 pages.
word count: 9540 which is equivalent to 38 standard pages of text