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Show Me The Money by Stan Kramien

The real secrets of the fund raising and promotion business. Every phase of the promotion business is fully covered in this huge tome. This ebook is without any question the epitome of fund raising courses. Please be advised. This book is for the serious student only!

  1. Warning
  2. The Twenty Five Real "Secrets" of the Telephone Promotion Business
  3. 1. In The Beginning
  4. 2. First Things First
  5. 3. Our Sample Business Plan For The Big Office
  6. 4. Booking A Sponsor
  7. 5. Contracts
  8. 6. The Sponsorship Agreement That Is Worth More Than The Price Of This Ebook
  9. 7. What To Do With The Sponsor After You Have Signed Them Up
  10. 8. The Campaign Letter And Information Sheet
  11. 9. Setting Up Your Phone Room On The Road
  12. 10. Setting Up A Permanent Phone Room And Office
  13. 11. The Envelopes - Make Them A Sales Tool
  14. 12. Make Your Invoice A Fundraising Tool - Not Just A Bill
  15. 13. Successful Ticket Formats I Have Known
  16. 14. The Best Format For Tickets & Receipts
  17. 15. Mailing Pieces To Make Your Mail Pay
  18. 16. Reminders That Pay Off
  19. 17. How To Hire Help And Keep Them
  20. 18. Basic Script Training
  21. 19. Scripts & Ideas You Will Use
  22. 20. Cue Sheets For Your Telemarketers
  23. 20a. The Sponsorship Ticket - To Use It Or Not To Use It
  24. 21. The "Day Room" - Ticket & Ad Sales To Commercial Outlets
  25. 22. More On The Day Room
  26. 23. The Show Fund Account And The Reports
  27. 24. Turning Your Magic Show Into A Salable Product
  28. 25. Turning Your Magic Show Into A Salable Product - Part 2
  29. 26. Repeats
  30. 27. Trouble Shooting
  31. 28. A Flow Chart For Your Promotion Business
  32. 29. Resources For Your Business
  33. 30. The Real Secrets Of Success In The Fundraising Business Today

297 pages
word count: 72427 which is equivalent to 289 standard pages of text