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Stan Kramien

Stan Kramien

(9th May 1925 - 27th March 2015)

Born in Portland, Oregon. Assistant to Warren Gram in 1946-47, touring the Western states. Pro illusionist as "The Great Kramien" since 1949. Mentor of Loren Michaels (c1971). Created and headlined in the shows Magicapades, Magicazam, the Mad World of Magic and Shazam!

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Bestselling Products for Stan Kramien


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★★★★★ $80
Stan Kramien
Show Me The Money by Stan Kramien

The real secrets of the fund raising and promotion business. Every phase of the promotion business is fully covered in this huge tome. This ebook is without any question the epitome of fund raising courses. Please be advised. This book is for the serious student only!

  1. Warning
  2. The Twenty Five Real "Secrets" of the Telephone Promotion Business
  3. 1. In The Beginning
  4. 2. First Things First
  5. 3. Our Sample Business Plan For The Big Office
  6. 4. Booking A Sponsor
  7. 5. Contracts
  8. 6. The Sponsorship Agreement That Is Worth More Than The Price Of This Ebook
  9. 7. What To Do With The Sponsor After You Have...
★★★ $30
Stan Kramien
Go Book Yourself by Stan Kramien

The title just about says it all. Get up off your --- and go book yourself. If you don't know how, worry not, this ebook tells all. Where to get the leads, how to follow through and consummate them. The three phases of booking are fully explained. Photographs and forms galore. Contracts, tradeshow and shopping mall info. It's all here.

This ebook also includes the complete Wonder Mouse pitch.

2003; 34 pages.

★★★★★ $22
Stan Kramien
Big Money in Horoscopes and Lucky Numbers by Stan Kramien

At a recent lecture at the Magic Castle where Stan sold all of his books and tapes, by far the best seller was this ebook. Everyone reads their horoscope in the paper or on the net. The interest in horoscopes, numerology and numbers has never been greater. In this ebook Stan tells you how to market this newfound skill the very first day you buy the ebook. Included are venues, the psych code and drawings of his fair booth set up. No other business in show biz offers so much return for so little investment.

1st edition 1987; 30 pages.

★★★★ $14
Stan Kramien
The Amazing Wonder Mouse by Stan Kramien

... or the Wonder Mouse Pitch.

One of the greatest pitch items of all time has always been the magic wonder mouse. I'm sure that most of you at one time or another have seen a wonderful pitchman at a fair with a baffling little mouse running all over the back of his hand. At the end of his demonstration of course you are allowed to purchase one and take home this mystery to baffle your friends. The wonder mouse can be sold at the end of your performance, or if you do a full evening show, it can be sold during the intermission. Or wonder mouse can be sold on its own at any number of venues...

★★★★ $37.50
Stan Kramien
The Illusion Show Business by Stan Kramien

Stan Kramien has toured one of the countries largest and most successful Illusion Shows for many years. Magicapades, Magicazam, the Mad World of Magic, and now Shazam! After playing thousands of dates he has written a primer of success in the Illusion Show Business.

Stan's ebook takes you through his life story where he sets the stage for his life as an illusionist. For the first time anywhere Stan divulges patter for many of the illusions.

Kramien's patter for the levitation alone is worth more than the cost of the ebook.

He tells you how to start and routine a full evening show....

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