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by Dee Christopher

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Shudder by Dee Christopher

The power to provoke motion with one's mind is something that has fascinated man since the existence of such a concept. Imagine a perfectly simplistic demonstration of mind over matter.

In this video download, you will learn how to make a borrowed soda can move freely across the table at a moments notice.

Dee Christopher teaches with the utmost precision this underground miracle, with all the tips, tricks and subtleties added in so that you can go out and perform this effect and blow peoples minds.

You will learn two versions, one an impromptu version without any gimmicks, and another version that uses a gimmick. The impromptu version has either on the left or right side a potentially exposed angle. But since you have two options which you can select just a second before the effect happens, you have a lot of control to shield or minimize the exposed area depending on where your spectators sit. And the move is so fast that even from the danger zone it is unlikely that anything can be seen with all the other misdirection and excitement around it.

The gimmicked version still uses a borrowed and completely ungimmicked can. But you need a special something to achieve the effect. The advantage with the gimmicked version is that there are no angles whatsoever and you can perform it completely surrounded. People could be literally hanging over your shoulders to witness this miracle.

Dee does a good job explaining not just the method but everything around it such as motivation, setup and setting. For my taste the video is a bit dark and the explanation part would have benefited from a few close up shots. But since the method is actually quite simple there should be no problem learning Shudder from this video.

"Totally impromptu, ridiculously simple in method. Do not be deceived - Shudder is a PK dream..." - Justin Miller

"This effect is what magic shoulda be - pure, direct and believable. It is so open that it actually promotes belief in the spectator's mind." - Chris Lafferty

"It looks incredible. If you really had the power, it would look like this." - Ravi

1st edition 2009

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Magic & Conjuring / Mentalism & Spiritism / Bizarre

Magic & Conjuring / Video clips (download)