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Silken Secrets (Miscellaneous Handkerchief Tricks)
by Geo DeLawrence


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Silken Secrets (Miscellaneous Handkerchief Tricks) by Geo DeLawrence

Originally titled Miscellaneous Handkerchief Tricks.

Here's an exciting look-behind-the-counter of the local magic dealer to examine many beautiful silk and handkerchief effects. You'll learn vanishes, appearances, color changes, transpositions, solid thru solid and more. Several utility devices are explained and illustrated, as well.

This is more than a "tell all" book, as DeLawrence also includes an entertaining, 15-minute silk act that uses the very effects described.

Silks and scarves add color and glamour to any magic routine. Audiences will fall in love with your presentation of the Dancing Handkerchief. You owe it to yourself to add Silken Secrets to your act today!

"A most opportune book ... [explaining] thirty-five methods. Both the publisher and the author are to be congratulated on giving to magicians such a good thing as this book. One very important feature of the book is a Fifteen Minute Act with Handkerchiefs called 'The Silky Slicker.' Believe I'll use it myself." - Dr. A. M. Wilson, The Sphinx magazine
1st edition 1921, PDF 2018, 67 pages revised and expanded.
word count: 13963 which is equivalent to 55 standard pages of text
