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Understanding and Using Gilbreath Principle
by Michael Daniels


(3 reviews, 10 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Understanding and Using Gilbreath Principle by Michael Daniels

This ebook is a beginner's guide to the famous Gilbreath Principle and its applications in card magic and mentalism. It includes two ESP-type routines:

Fingertip Sensation

The spectator shuffles the deck. The mentalist (who can be blindfold) then uses his fingertips to correctly identify the colour of cards.

Trinities Card Divination

The mentalist correctly divines attributes (colour, suit, value) of playing cards which the spectator has shuffled, dealt, and covered with his hands while the mentalist has turned away.

[Note: This ebook is a revised extract from Michael Daniels' ebook Trinities, plus an additional routine (Fingertip Sensation).]

1st edition 2016, 9 pages.
word count: 3468 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Larry Ekin (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 05 November, 2024

Well-written, succinct, and focused. Highly recommended.

Reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 29 November, 2016

Gilbreath Principle is always worth reading if you can find a copy of mental card miracles by Nick Trost a Micky Hades Publication find within a routine called Dr Rhine outdone where Gilbreath principle is used. Norman Gilbreath's Principle was first mentioned in the July issue of the Linking Ring 1958. I was born on August the 6th the following year. (Nothing to do with the principle but I do love Maths and the odd birthday card would be truly amazing from any Magician reading this L.O.L ) As to this eBook I would highly recommend for contents and value for money and not to be missed. I would recommend researching all you can find for this principle as I feel it should not be missed by the Magical performer.

Reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 18 November, 2016

So you don't know what the Gilbreath Principle (or Gilbreath Permutation) is, and Perci Diakonis and Ron Graham's incredibly detailed book Mathematical Magic scares the hell out of you because you weren't good at math in school. Never fear. For the price of a coffee (or cheap domestic beer) and I would say about half an hour of your time, you will be blown away. It boils down to this: There are mathematical oddities in the world that seem completely impossible (Benford's Law concerning the relative frequencies of the first digit in data sets comes to mind. It applies to election votes, lengths of rivers, street addresses, and all kinds of crazy things.) Anyway, the Gilbreath Principle basically says that randomly mixing (in a certain way) two ordered data sets will give you a different data set, but that data set will also be ordered. In other words, mix two halves of a deck that alternates red and black suits, and you'll get a deck that has groups that... Well, you are just going have to read this ebook. Author Daniel does a super job of making you understand this without any math notation. Follow along, and you will be convinced. And then he gives you two killer routines. Did I mention that this is $4? Cardicians and mentalists will find a lot to love here if you've never used this principle before. This is one of these principles that apart from mathematicians and magicians, very few people know because it's counterintuitive: Randomly mixing a nicely ordered deck will give you a randomly ordered deck, right? Nope. Laypeople will have no idea how you predict/know things about a fairly riffle shuffled deck. It seems impossible. But it isn't. It's easy to work miracles once you know this, one of the greatest weird math principles of all time. And there are no formulas, difficult counting, or memory work involved. Highly recommended.

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Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

Magic & Mentalism / Cards / Self-Working or Sleightless