Five approaches to the popular 'Any Card At Any Number' problem that rely more on subtlety than sleight of hand. As the title implies, the approaches are uncomplicated and well within reach of the beginner in card magic. One of Baxter's most popular titles.
The evergreen Any Card At Any Number equation continues to attract new and novel approaches from card experts of all levels.
This modest manuscript unleashes five techniques of my own devising, each the result of reading Ken Krenzel's inspiring book Relaxed Impossibilities. With a careful text by Stephen Minch, the chapters on ACAAN immediately steered me in the direction of applying some of my own ideas. Like many other magicians, I could not resist the temptation to tinker. The disease took hold, and I ended up digging through notes from years back. In 1968 for example, I stumbled on the idea of utilizing Max Holden's Criss-Cross Force as a packet switch. It seemed to fit here and with subsequent laundering of other well known moves, the five applications in front of you gradually took shape.
For practical reasons I resolved to set limitations in respect of handling. Why complicate an effect that cries out for simplicity? Advanced sleights and moves are conspicuous by their absence. You won't find any call for false dealing, panoramic shifts or similar fancies in the pages that follow. A Control and a Double Cut or two, set the limits of skill required, with a single exception: one of the approaches requires a Triple Lift, although its resolution is obscured effectively enough. However, should the reader feel uncertain of its execution, then this opus should be avoided. Other necessary moves present little or no difficulty.
Although my ideas might give traction for further thought by others, I am fully aware that these developments will not suit every reader. I am hopeful, however, that what follows will at least encourage others to dip their toe in the water and move forward with additional refinements of this classic.