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Ian Baxter

Ian Baxter

Entered the world in 1946, the magic world in 1952, witnessing his first trick from a great uncle, who threaded a door key on to a piece of string and with a wave of the hand, the key fell to the floor. The magic bug set in right there and then.

Grandfather followed up with a coin trick and then his father took him in to Bernard's Magic Shop in Melbourne. A few pocket tricks were purchased and this further encouraged the young Baxter towards performing. By the time he was 14, sleight of hand had taken a firm hold.

Decades down the track and magic with cards, coins, small objects and an occasional venture towards mind reading is what keeps the fascination on hold.

Still not retired from vocation as a piano tuner and technician, but has cut back on commercial gigs in order to spend more time with family. Enjoys writing up tailored versions of known classics and when time permits, relaxing over a quiet game of chess.

Coauthors: Barry Govan, Murray Cooper, Gerry McCreanor

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Ian Baxter
LePaul's Card Magic by Ian Baxter

Paul LePaul was one of the all-time great card manipulators of the 20th century enjoying an amazing career in vaudeville, cabaret, and nightclub work, performing magic just with playing cards.

His lasting contribution to magical literature was that classic text, The Card Magic Of LePaul, first published back in 1949. It has been a revered source of exceptional card magic ever since.

In this new manuscript, card man Ian Baxter revisits three of Le Paul's favourites - The Substitution Envelope Mystery, Hand Picked Aces and that perennial favourite, The Gymnastic Aces.

No sacrificing of effect, no knuckle-busting sleight...

Ian Baxter
Very Convincing Book Test by Ian Baxter

This may well be the last word in Book Tests! Here is a totally gimmick-free test that looks like mind reading at work. Imagine this...

Two spectators read just a few words from one of three books. The page has been arrived at by chance, with the performer concentrating on just one stand-out word. Following a few moments, the performer announces what that very word is!

As mentioned, a total absence of extras - no cheat sheets, stooges, playing cards, slates, electronic devices, or specially printed books. None of the usual stuff. For the working performer, this is an exceptional, completely...

Ian Baxter
Three Daley Deceits by Ian Baxter

Doctor Jacob Daley was one of the most respected sleight-of-hand artists of the twentieth century. This acclaimed New York performer left the magic fraternity an astonishing cache of published works, from the acclaimed Stars Of Magic series to prized entries in assorted books and magazines.

Three Daley Deceits offers a new look at three of the Doctor's most celebrated card mysteries, carefully revised by Australian cardman Ian Baxter.

Daley's Aces - In Spades is Baxter's spin on this ever-popular transposition. The four Aces from the deck are slowly and deliberately placed on the table, Hearts and Diamonds...

Ian Baxter
Three Rapid Spellers by Ian Baxter

To all magicians, amateur and professional - here is a loaded question:

Have you ever been bored silly watching a magician perform a spelling trick?

This is contentious and very obviously axiomatic. Quoting from the Preface of his new manuscript, Australian card man Ian Baxter comments: "Unfortunately, spelling effects in card magic hold the onerous title of being the most laborious, boring presentations imaginable."

This is the point at issue - boredom setting in, thanks to the tedium of endless counting and spelling, usually propped up with trivial patter. Such effects are simply...

★★★★★ $8
Ian Baxter
BIRT: Baxter's Indian Rope Trick by Ian Baxter

A lovely print-and-perform trick.

Who in magic, beginner or expert, has not purchased, watched, or performed that perennial "Gone To Lunch" or as it is sometimes called, "The Indian Rope Trick"? This magic shop favourite has been making the rounds for decades and is still a consistent best-seller for dealers all over the world.

Would you believe, Australian card man Ian Baxter has for years been performing his own version that tops the original? Baxter put this together back in the 1990's and sold it through limited dealerships. Yes, the 'Gone To Lunch' theme is fully intact, but there...

Ian Baxter
Quicker Quest by Ian Baxter

A new approach to the Stewart James classic Queer Quest.

Another Stewart James card mystery from the past, brought right up to date by Australian cardman Ian Baxter.

Queer Quest first appeared in The Jinx magazine back in 1938. Publisher Ted Annemann endorsed it immediately because this was obviously not just another card trick. Although the effect is far from new, three spectators each selecting a card with the performer locating them one at a time, Queer Quest stood out because of its simple method and straightforward presentation.

Eighty-five years down the track and Q.Q. is now totally revamped, with easier handling...

Ian Baxter
Pocketheral Once Again by Ian Baxter

A new approach to the Stewart James classic Pocketheral.

Stewart James (1908 - 1996) was known not just for an immense output of published effects, but his deliberate, somewhat humorous conferring of odd titles to various tricks. Pocketheral was certainly no exception, attracting the attention of, among others, Edward Marlo.

The Cardician, Marlo's celebrated book released back in 1953, included two very worthwhile variations of PTR. Marlo, along with many others, would doubtless have been amused by the name chosen for this one. Marlo's approach involved not twenty but ten cards being dealt in a row, a spectator being asked...

Ian Baxter
Simplicity Aces Comeback by Ian Baxter

A new approach to the Stewart James classic Simplicity Four Ace Trick.

First appearing in print in Ralph W. Hull's book More Eye Openers, Jean Hugard wasted no time in grabbing it for Encyclopedia Of Card Tricks; it also ended up in John Northern Hilliard's mammoth book Greater Magic, along with a number of other texts as well.

The straightforward plot involves the four Aces of the pack assembling in one heap, following a careful separation from other cards. Economy of movement is top of the list here, buoyed by an absence of sleights and very easy moves. Within reach of any card handler, beginner or expert.

And now, years down the track, Ian Baxter offers this...

Ian Baxter
Courtskill by Ian Baxter

A new approach to the Stewart James classic Miraskill.

Theo Annemann's journal The Jinx, September 1936, was where Miraskill was first published. Subsequently reprinted in various books and magazines over the years, this Stewart James creation still baffles one and all. The years have not dulled the remarkable impact it can have on today's audiences.

Courtskill is a brand-new version of Miraskill. Australian card man Ian Baxter has concocted a totally new version, with some very distinct advantages.

Barely half the deck is used, trimming the performance time considerably, not to mention a surprise approach involving court...

★★★★ $8
Ian Baxter
Princess on the Move by Ian Baxter

Who among us has not heard of, seen, or performed The Princess Card Trick? For the record, it was conceived by Henry Hardin and was first made available way back in 1903. Mahatma magazine carried advertising for it and in the decades that followed, countless 'improvements' ended up in print.

It seems that not too many of these ideas were ever celebrated by the magical fraternity, and no wonder - with crazy fakes and gimmicks being introduced that almost drowned its popularity.

Fortunately, the original idea has remained unchanged which is why today, it is still regarded as a classic of card...

Ian Baxter
Two-Speed World by Ian Baxter

An approach to the Paul Curry classic "Out of this World".

Out Of This World, Paul Curry's timeless classic, gets a fresh look in this new manuscript from Australian card man Ian Baxter.

Years after its release, the trick retains its enduring popularity. No sleight of hand, an absence of moves demanding any form of dexterity, with attention to presentation steering the success of this baffling mystery every time. OOTW is a timeless gem. The August 1947 issue of Hugard's Magic Monthly, in a poll conducted at the time by Fred Braue, confirmed to the magic world then that this ingenious card mystery be given the mantle of the most...

★★★★ $8
Ian Baxter
No Delay: Think Stop by Ian Baxter

A timely favorite for any magician with a deck of cards in hand is Think-Stop. With a popularity spanning decades, this absolute classic has attracted attention from virtually every known card expert of the 20th and 21st centuries. Practical additions and/or worthwhile improvements to this gem are rare indeed. However, this brand-new handling from Australian card man Ian Baxter easily meets that challenge.

Reviewer David Jones comments:

"The Stop Trick is a stunning card effect which has traditionally depended on the use of a psychological force and hence cannot be relied upon to work...

★★★★★ $8
Ian Baxter
Knockout Book Test by Ian Baxter

No prizes for guessing who it was that did more to popularize mentalism than anyone else. Certainly, a steady stream of impressive performers and writers have kept the kettle boiling over the years, but it was Theo Annemann who, beginning in the first half of the twentieth century, set the pace with ingenious methods and presentations that still influence material today.

He wrote: "It is my theory that any effect to be successful must first be founded upon a simple method, and then be performed with a direct, to-the-point presentation." Hard to disagree with a compelling narrative such as this.


★★★★★ $8
Ian Baxter
Twist plus Bonus by Ian Baxter

Dai Vernon's Twisting The Aces, has for decades been regarded as an all-time classic and thankfully, the new wave of 21st Century card experts still carry the torch for this perennial favourite. Over the years, new additions and presentations are published, adding even further interest to this wonderful effect.

Australian card man Ian Baxter admits to having performed TTA for sixty years, starting just three years following its publication in 1960. Up until recently, he performed it totally 'as is' from Dai Vernon's More Inner Secrets Of Card Magic.

"Tampering with a Vernon treasure such as TTA, can often promote controversy" admits Baxter....

★★★★★ $6
Ian Baxter
Chased Marriages by Ian Baxter

Australian card man Ian Baxter presents a brand-new, revamped handling of that timeless classic, Royal Marriages.

Totally impromptu and free of sleights, fakes, stranger cards, accessories and the like. You won't find so much as a camouflaged in-jog here in this modernised gem where the Kings and Queens of the pack magically pair up in their correct suits. Just eight cards are used, the four Kings and four Queens from any deck.

Reviewer David Jones sums it up: "A simple and effective little mystery. Short, stunning and entirely sleight free. Another winner from Ian Baxter."

And the...

★★★★ $6
Ian Baxter
Easy Touch by Ian Baxter

Paul Curry is a name that captures the attention of magicians everywhere, thanks to his famous card trick Out Of This World. Invented by Curry back in 1942, it remains an absolute staple for the self-working card enthusiast.

Not to be overlooked, however, was Curry's initial blast onto the magic scene five years earlier. Launched in 1937, Touch was (and still is) by any measure, a superlative card mystery. Over the years, variations from the experts have appeared in print. Some of these have been downright disappointing because they have been far too complicated, or like Curry's original, the burden...

★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Refining Vernon's 1-2-3 by Ian Baxter

"It's not easy to improve on a trick by Dai Vernon, but Ian Baxter has managed to do just that!"

A timely observation from reviewer David Jones, who has hit the nail right on the head. Here is an easy, clever new treatment of a respected Vernon classic. Don't be surprised if you find yourself performing Refining Vernon's 1-2-3 over and over again.

Jones continues: "This streamlined handling of Vernon's 1-2-3 is so much cleaner than the original, more magical in effect and far easier to perform. It's a winner!"

This familiar, fast-moving card mystery has been 'doing the rounds' for decades:...

★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Nicely Stabbed! by Ian Baxter

Ian Baxter here, introducing something new from me in the 'Card Stabbing' arena. Nicely Stabbed! offers not one but two approaches to this evergreen card mystery. But rather than have me rattle on about this, I'll ask reviewer and fellow Australian David Jones to offer his opinion.

When Ian Baxter told me that his next manuscript involved the concept of forcing an unknown card, I was intrigued, to say the least. What resulted from this offbeat thought was a very clever, streamlined and almost sleight-free method for a known classic. A spectator stabs a card anywhere into the deck and ends...

★★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Ten-Four by Ian Baxter

Australian card man Ian Baxter has nailed it once again! Here is a straightforward, anytime, anywhere mystery that will leave audiences scratching their heads.

No fakes, gaffs or stranger cards are employed. An ordinary deck, borrowed or supplied by you, is the sole requirement. Ten-Four, a radio call sign, means "everything is okay" but in this case, it also spells out what is involved. The four tens end up cavorting from the deck to the table and back again, with a jaw-dropping finish. And there is room for a spot of humour as well.

Acknowledgment must be made to Tom Ogden of Hollywood, California,...

★★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Further Than Expected by Ian Baxter

Hard to believe that eighty years have passed since the Stewart James card classic Further Than That was first published in Annemann's magazine, The Jinx. Card workers everywhere latched on to this intriguing, self-working mystery; the passing years have not dimmed its popularity one iota.

Just recently, Jon Racherbaumer released a very worthwhile compilation, Further More. Essential reading and yes, currently available through

And now on offer, Further Than Expected from Australian card man and author Ian Baxter. This is a brand new, reconstructed approach that freely alters the proceedings while still maintaining the essential,...

Ian Baxter
Three Favourites by Ian Baxter

Stewart Judah was one of the twentieth century's most celebrated card experts, contributing to that classic text Greater Magic as one of the famed 'Card Stars Of The U.S.A.' and winning accolades from experts everywhere. Author John Northern Hilliard wrote "I would rather see him do a card trick than go to a convention." Such was his reputation.

In this new manuscript, author Ian Baxter shares his version of a Judah favourite, Not Your Card? - with the level of astonishment fully intact, but offering an approach that is far better suited to the close-up table.

Moving The Aces is Baxter's latest handling for that classic...

★★★★ $6
Ian Baxter
Sitting Down with Mr. Brown by Ian Baxter

Just one card, merely thought of, mysteriously jumps from one packet to another.

Sound familiar? Of course, and there is no finer example of this treasured classic than Edward G. Brown's Wandering Card, published by Willane, back in 1952.

Usually presented as a stand-alone effect for the platform or stage, Brown's effect has lost none of its popularity over the ensuring years - spawning many variations that tackle the innate difficulty of the crucial packet switch. Unfortunately, many of these have proven to be, for one reason or another, impractical.

Australian card man Ian Baxter...

Ian Baxter
Jogging my Memory by Ian Baxter

Who among us is not familiar with injogs and outjogs? Since the days of Erdnase, these very handy adjuncts have helped enable magicians to turn out miraculous feats of card magic.

Card man Ian Baxter offers up an unusual use for the humble injog here in his latest manuscript. This is the venerable 'STOP' trick with a difference and you will be most impressed. Positively no complicated sleights or outrageous moves in this strictly commercial adaptation of a classic. Don't pass this one up!

1st edition 2021, PDF 4 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Rapid Double Reverse by Ian Baxter

It is almost impossible to imagine any card expert worth his salt to have either ignored or overlooked Double Reverse. Here is a firm favourite that has entertained audiences for decades. Now, Australian card man Ian Baxter steps forward with a brand-new approach that will knock your socks off. Two cards chosen, one by spectator, another by the performer, then in the blink of an eye they both reverse in the deck. But here is the cruncher: Baxter's handling allows the effect to be presented, believe it or not, in well under one minute! Not be missed and a bargain at just $4.00.

1st edition...

★★★★★ $6
Ian Baxter
Paul Rosini's Discoveries by Ian Baxter

Paul Rosini was one of the all-time 20th Century greats of the magic world, with numerous contributions in print and a reputation that few have approached. His skill and charm guaranteed him a permanent niche in the pantheon of card magic.

In this exclusive manuscript, Ian Baxter offers up his handling of three Rosini favourites - The Peek Trick, Follow Your Card and Change In Hand. Once again Baxter turns his thoughts towards a touch of streamlining and simplifying, utilising the most basic of sleights to achieve the self-same effects that Rosini presented.

This trio is a game-changer...

★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Seven at a Picnic by Ian Baxter

John Racherbaumer's latest compendium Picnic Pocus, has certainly revived interest in that long-standing Ace revelation, Poker Player's Picnic. Published years back in The Royal Road to Card Magic, it is a routine most of us perform when starting out in card magic, but eventually, drop from our repertoire due to the odd counting method involved.

Ian Baxter's new approach to this classic has solved this problem, providing a clear rationale for the procedure and adding touches that considerably enhance the routine's effectiveness while still maintaining the sleight-free handling of the original. Clever thinking at work here! This new version is worthy...

★★★★ $6
Ian Baxter
Baxter's Ambitious Card by Ian Baxter

A treasured classic in anyone's language, "The Ambitious Card" absolutely runs rings around most other card effects. Of the versions in print, a few too many are on the difficult side, but not this one.

Ian Baxter has finally released his extraordinary version - a streamlined, baffling approach that he has used for decades. And the best part of this? It is, as you might guess, straightforward and undemanding. No more than basic card skills are required ... Hindu Shuffle, Overhand Shuffle, Double Lift, Bluff Pass, very little else. Guaranteed to please!

1st edition 2021, PDF 10 pages.

★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Delightful by Ian Baxter

The ingenious Paul Curry, creator of 'Out Of This World' was also responsible for a number of other timely favourites - 'Open Prediction' being a standout and attracting variations a-plenty from card experts everywhere.

Ian Baxter has fashioned a particularly appealing version of this classic, written in his inimitable style and now available in an easy-to-read manuscript - totally impromptu, simple to perform, no fakes, stranger cards, or hidden accessories. Skills need are minimal. A delight indeed!

1st edition 2021, PDF 4 pages.

★★★ $6
Ian Baxter
Three Good Deals by Ian Baxter

Growing tired of long, arduous Poker Deals that magicians love and audiences can loathe? All too often when a spectator remarks: "I wouldn't like to play cards with you!" the performer unleashes a twenty-minute Poker demonstration, often laced with countless sleights and bloated yarn about a shady Mexican gambler. The entertainment quotient is immediately stifled; it is all just 'too much.'

Looking to jettison these overbearing routines? Author Ian Baxter has put together some practical alternatives - three highly entertaining, well-paced Poker Deals in one exceptional manuscript. Easy, delightful...

Ian Baxter
Three Extras by Ian Baxter

Francis Carlyle and Faucett Ross get coverage in this latest manuscript from Ian Baxter. In a tribute to both of these giants from the past, Baxter examines Carlyle's 'The Card That Finds Itself' with a new and novel approach, while the Ross classic 'Twice Turned' gets a dusting off that adds value-plus to this popular effect from the Vernon Chronicles. The third entry is Baxter's technique for the Top Palm, unbelievably fast, straightforward and appreciably easier than most other methods in print.

1st edition 2020, PDF 9 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Smooth Elevator by Ian Baxter

Edward Marlo originated The Elevator Cards back in 1948 and now, Ian Baxter's latest streamlined offering is available. Short, snappy and to the point, with several strong magical moments. This is totally impromptu, practically sleight free and is sure to please the most discriminating card worker. This is one of Baxter's best!

1st edition 2020, PDF 7 pages.

★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Essayed Prophesy by Ian Baxter

From Ian Baxter, here is a remarkable 21st Century version of Bill Simon's famed Business Card Prophecy - virtually sleight-free and within reach of any card handler.

"A modern-day approach based on casual handling and natural misdirection, achieving the same outcome while eliminating the move entirely. Very clever thinking." - David Jones

1st edition 2020, PDF 4 pages.

Ian Baxter
Further Strands by Ian Baxter

Third in his 'Strands' manuscript series, Ian Baxter shares his version of Charlie Miller's classic Dunbury Delusion, an extremely effective transposition of two chosen cards entitled Open and Close, plus an unusual handling of Dai Vernon's Multiple Card Pass. Card men everywhere will be sure to benefit from this material.

1st edition 2020, PDF 12 pages.

Ian Baxter
More Strands by Ian Baxter

Three more stunning, completely impromptu card gems from Ian Baxter. Taking It Easy is reason enough to acquire this manuscript. You won't ever find a smoother, easier version of The Lazy Magician than this. Simple, concise and with a first rate presentation slant, as are two other mysteries ... Guide Card and Jump.

1st edition 2020, PDF 9 pages.

★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Himber Happening by Ian Baxter

From Ian Baxter, a breathtaking new approach to Al Koran's classic Five Star Prediction. The effect is as straightforward as could be expected: A prediction removed from a wallet and handed to a spectator, matches a freely chosen card from a shuffled deck.

"A significant improvement with a radical new use for the Himber Wallet. Very clever thinking indeed. Perfect!" - David Jones

"Loved It. Very, very clean, Loved the fact that the deck is shuffled at the outset. Cannot fault it." - Charles Gauci

1st edition 2020, PDF 6 pages.

★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
2020 Vision Fault by Ian Baxter

Ian Baxter steps forward with yet another twist on a classic from the past. Eddie Clever's Hallucination gets a working over here, thanks to a recently published variation from Todd Karr.

"A very direct effect here - entertaining presentation, plays big, kicker ending and can be done with a borrowed deck. This card mystery has it all!" - David Jones

1st edition 2020, PDF 4 pages.

Ian Baxter
Departure Lounge by Ian Baxter

British magician Alex Elmsley carved a permanent niche for himself into the field of card magic, not only for his Elmsley Count, but two outstanding effects: "Between Your Palms" and "Point Of Departure". This manuscript explores a new and combined approach to these, put together by Ian Baxter. Easy, straightforward and uncomplicated. One of Baxter's best and highly recommended.

1st edition 2019, PDF 4 pages.

Ian Baxter
A Further Three To Consider by Ian Baxter

Baxter jumps in yet again with three stunning revisions of classics mined from the past. "Marlo Off The Cuff", "Above And Below" and "Redemption Poker Deal". David Jones once again steps forward with a pertinent Introduction: "...another collection of highly effective card tricks accomplished through careful construction rather than complicated sleight of hand. Each of these is a 'worker' and worthy of your attention." That says it all!

1st edition 2019, PDF 11 pages.

Ian Baxter
Another Three To Consider by Ian Baxter

Australian card and close-up identity Ian Baxter steps forward with yet another assortment, "...three gems which he has dusted off and streamlined for your enjoyment in the pages that follow." So says David Jones in his enthusiastic introduction.

Jones continues: "As with his Five Kinks series, or his previous offering Three To Consider, Ian has once again provided us with three very entertaining card mysteries, all of which are high audience impact, but require minimal sleights."

Scarne's Certified Thought, Mark Of The Whistler, and Random Paradox all attest to Baxter's revisions.

1st edition 2019, 13 pages....

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