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Slydini's Linking Pins by D. Angelo Ferri

I have studied a linking pin routine myself many years ago. It wasn't this Slydini routine, but the effect is very strong because safety-pins are familiar to everyone. And if you can do something magical with a common object then you have a miracle at your hands. Now you can learn a routine which the master of misdirection devised himself.

Dennis writes:

Slydini taught me his Linking Pins Routine sometime in the late 1970's. For several Thanksgiving's, during that period of time, Slydini arranged for several of his students, including myself, to perform at the Windows on the World Restaurant, atop the World Trade Center in Manhattan. Slydini also 'table hopped' a bit himself on those occasions, and this is where I got to see him perform this routine for laymen. You will need two blanket pins, one of which has to be 'gimmicked'. I've seen these pins offered for sale from different Magic Shops, you could make them yourself if you are handy. This is a very brief routine, a magical interlude. The routine lasts for perhaps a minute or two at most. This routine teaches 'command', the use of the eyes and voice as misdirective tools. The situation is not unlike Cardini's in that the magic seems to be happening to the magician.

1st edition 2007; 11 pages with photos.
word count: 2456 which is equivalent to 9 standard pages of text