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So You Want To Do A Magic Lecture Tour
by Devin Knight

#2 Marketing, Selling & Business Matters author
#3 Illusions, Escape & Stage author

(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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So You Want To Do A Magic Lecture Tour by Devin Knight

The first PDF of its kind; written by one of the world's foremost expert on doing magic lecture tours. Devin Knight has done multiple lecture tours and hundreds of magic lectures from coast to coast in America.

He shows you step-by-step how to book a magic lecture tour. He shows you how to book magic clubs, magic shops and conventions. If you are a talented magician and want to make a name for yourself, then Devin reveals the inside secrets. He tells you what they will pay you and all the details you need to know. How long should your lecture be and what do you need to bring with you? All these questions and more are answered for you.

Learn the best way to find the best price for gasoline. Learn how you can eat for next to nothing on tour. The apps you need to have on your phone for ease in touring are revealed. How to get more products if you run out on tour. Learn if you are qualified and the best times to book a tour.

These are secrets that only come from someone who has spent years touring. Information you will not find elsewhere. You will learn how to deposit checks while on tour and pay bills. Everything you need to know to book a successful tour is in this ebook.

Way underpriced for the information you will get.

1st edition 2017, 27 pages.
word count: 11776 which is equivalent to 47 standard pages of text