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Professional Indian magician and ventriloquist. Turned pro when 19 years of age in 1962. Also performs shadowgraphy, puppetry, chalk talk, origami and monkiri (ornamental paper folding and cutting). Author of 17 books in Bengali and Hindi on subjects ranging from magic and hypnotism to origami and mathematical puzzles.

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Watch This Closely by Someeran

Excerpt from the preface:

This is a book on close-up magic. The effects described in this book are not only mystifying but vastly entertaining. I know they are practical and popular, because I do them all the time, and I love them. Some of the effects in this book were originally published in different magic magazines like Magigram, Mantra etc. While re-writing them for this book, I have updated the effect, handling and presentation, based on my experience of performing them several times, to make them more interesting and entertaining. Even readers who may have read the original versions will find something...

Multiplying Balls Tutor by Someeran

The Multiplying Balls is a favorite trick all over the world. Though a very old trick, it is popular because magicians are regularly adding their own presentation and moves to it, to make it something new and different. The basic effect is that one ball held between the magician's fingers multiplies to two, then three and finally four balls.

No balls are included with the ebooks. Any well-stocked magic shop will be able to supply you with the necessary balls and gimmicks.

  • Multiplying Balls
    • The Basic Multiplying Move
  • Palming
    • The Regular Palm
    • The Finger Palm
  • Productions ...
Cups and Balls (Western) Magic Tutor by Someeran

This manuscript explains two routines, one which does not require any sleight-of-hand, and a second one that requires some basic moves such as a vanish, false and secret loading.

1st edition 1993, 14 pages; PDF 11 pages.

★★★★ $5
Chop Cup Combo Outfit Tutor by Someeran

This manuscript explains basic routines and moves for the chop cup, with additional moves and routines by Goutam Guha and Mahadevananda.

1st edition 1993, 20 pages; PDF 17 pages.

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