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Steve Mayhew's Angels May Shuffle But The Devil Still Deals
by Jack Carpenter


(7 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Steve Mayhew's Angels May Shuffle But The Devil Still Deals by Jack Carpenter

Steve Mayhew has come up, with what must be the most clever application of the Gilbreath principle, or strictly speaking a principle closely related to Gilbreath's. He achieves with this idea extremely strong poker deal effects. If you are only remotely interested in poker deals, mathematical principles, or in particular the Gilbreath principle, you must read this ebook. This ebook is a reprint of his notes with the same title plus the effect "Freedom" from his lecture notes.

1st edition, 1999, Me and the Other Guy Productions.

  1. Acknowledgments
  2. Introduction
  3. The Principle
  4. Getting Ready
  5. The Zarrow Sequence
  1. The Ultimate Double Duke
  2. Ultimate Gardner-Marlo
  3. Ten-Card Finale
  4. Blackjack
  5. Freedom - The Mayhew Poker Deal

word count: 7355 which is equivalent to 29 standard pages of text