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Stomp by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Let someone choose a card, and then put the card back in the deck. The spectator himself can shuffle the cards, and then lay them on the ground, face down. You now claim to find the card, without your hands touching them. Now you step on the cards on the floor, and show the spectator a card, which is underneath your shoe. But It is not the card the spectator has chosen. But no problem. You step a second time on the floor, lift up your shoe, and now the card has turned into the one, chosen by the spectator!

You require:

  1. A Reel with a break
  2. Some double sided scotch tape
  3. Some magician wax (soft)
  4. Some transparent, easy workable plastic
  5. A duplicate card, and a black picture card
  6. A card of your own choice
  7. Some paper glue

1st edition 2016, 6 pages.
word count: 964 which is equivalent to 3 standard pages of text