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Super Easy Bookings
by Jesse Lewis

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Super Easy Bookings by Jesse Lewis

Super easy bookings. Local weekly gigs, that you can actually profit from!

How to book and profit from weekly gigs for any entertainer. One of the most misunderstood parts of doing business is exposure - It can kill you or it can help make your career. In this special 7 page report Jesse Lewis breaks down a well guarded secret of doing free weekly restaurant gigs and profiting from the "exposure".

Let's be honest for a second - is a $7 dollar report going to make you filthy stinking rich? Probably not. But what is outlined here is a simple plan that you can implement today which can get you the right long term exposure and future business.

A large mistake most entertainers have in their careers is to not have a weekly gig driving traffic to their business constantly with what is outlined in this ebook you can go out get the free weekly gig and use it to promote yourself properly. For $7 you can buy a sandwich or you can learn one of the most useful free ways to promote yourself today!

1st edition 2016, 7 pages.
word count: 2937 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text