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Symbol Dice Reading
by Fred Betzner

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Symbol Dice Reading by Fred Betzner

A unique reading that will set you apart from the crowd!

When I saw a set of "Rory's Story Cubes" for the first time, I thought there was great potential in the product as a reading tool. The product is sold as a set of nine cubes, containing 54 images, and intended as a tool for creative story telling. According to one retailer, there are 10,077,696 possible combinations, when the cubes are tossed out. I purchased a set of these online for under $9.00.

This PDF details the following:

INTRODUCTION to the product and reading concept. Once learned, this presentation can be limited to a ten or fifteen minute reading, or expanded to a longer reading when desired.

NUMEROLOGY. Using regular dice for an initial numerological reading, which serves as an overall theme.

THE FIFTY FOUR IMAGES. Each image has a suggested reading written for you that will help you absorb the concept quickly. The images themselves add an intuitive element to learning. Also, I offer additional "Possible Applications" which will have you thinking about further approaches to verbalizing the reading.

PRESENTATIONAL POINTS. Advice on client management and possible difficult situations. This technique has served me well. I believe it can do the same for you!

1st edition 2015, 18 pages.
word count: 7490 which is equivalent to 29 standard pages of text

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